10. Live

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"Hey, guys." Corbyn propped his phone on his desk, readjusting himself in his chair. The Instagram live chat started rolling immediately, almost blurring as more and more people joined. "So today I am joined by someone you all probably know. For those who don't, this is y/n. We've been friends since grade six and she's only now convinced me to let her curl my hair."

I smirked and held up my curling wand triumphantly. "You're going to love it, I promise."

"Remind me again why I'm letting you do this to me." Corbyn craned his head back to look at me.

"Because you love me."

"More like I'm sick of your pestering," He teased.

I grinned. "That too. Now sit up straight."

Corbyn answered questions for a while as I curled his hair. "What was your favorite stop on tour?"

"The Seattle show was pretty fun." I glanced up at the live, wrinkling my nose as it lagged and I could see my concentration face. "LA was crazy though. And it was cool going to Japan again."

Corbyn nodded. "Japan is so cool. And the people there were so incredibly sweet."

"Stop moving your head or I'm going to burn you," I warned.

"Sorry." Corbyn read through some of the questions. "Why is y/n so gosh darn cute?"

I snorted. "I'm really not."

"Shut up, you're too humble. Y/n here is sculpted by angels, that's why."

I rolled my eyes. "I wish, but you're the angelic one in this friendship."


I took a seat on Corbyn's lap once I was finished and put away the curling iron. The chat blew up about our seating arrangement, as expected. I caught sight of Corbyn's hair in the camera and burst out laughing.

"Corbs, you look so stupid," I cackled.

"Hey," He whined. "You were supposed to make me look good."

I couldn't stop laughing. "You look like a low budget Jack."

No sooner had the words left my mouth than Corbyn started running his fingers up and down my sides. I made a squeaky noise and shied away from the touch, my whole body cringing inwards. A shriek left my mouth as I tumbled off of Corbyn's lap, laughing as I hit the floor.


"This is Ryan with LA Radio, here we have Why Don't We."

I liked interviews. I liked sitting off to the side behind the camera and watching Corbyn and the boys goof off and talk about what they loved most. This time, I couldn't help but notice Corbyn in ways that I never used to. I noticed how his long fingers tapped on his knees and his mouth quirked and how gorgeous his smile was.

I looked away, trying to ignore the floaty, nervous feeling tickling my insides and instead tried to focus on Jack and Zach who seemed to be trying to push each other off of the chairs.

I caught the tail end of a question about the boys' relationship status and rolled my eyes. This was brought up in just about every single interview. When were the fans going to realize that management wouldn't allow any of them to spill, even if they were dating?

"So, Corbyn. A lot of fans have been asking about your relationship with a certain girl, especially after a screen capture of your live with her went viral." I perked up at that, furrowing my brow.

Corbyn chuckled. "We get that question a lot if we're dating or not. But y/n and I have been friends since sixth grade and I don't see that changing anytime soon."

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