10. Surprise! (bxb)

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warnings: homophobia, slurs, brief mention of suicide, bullying

I kept my head down as I walked into school, trying to avoid everyone's gaze as I made my way to my locker. I gripped my backpack strap tighter and curled my other hand into the sleeve of Daniel's hoodie that he'd given me before tour. I hadn't seen my boyfriend in nearly a month even though they were on break right now. But they were still in Minnesota, staying with Jonah's family before resuming tour in about a week.

A yawn escaped me and I blinked rapidly, trying to wake myself up more. I'd been on a facetime call with Daniel until almost 1 am as I struggled with my homework. He'd been more than happy to stay up with me until I was falling asleep on my notebooks and he'd ordered me to bed. I'd insisted on staying on the call with him, his soft lullabies pulling me into sleep.

I made it to my locker without any trouble but I should've known that a peaceful morning was too much to ask for. I grabbed my Chemistry book and was stuffing it into my bag when my locker slammed shut. The familiar face of one of my tormentors leered at me. I flinched, my sleepy brain struggling to keep up with what just happened.

"Where's your boyfriend, fag?"

I flinched at the slur, cringing into the neck of my hoodie in a fruitless attempt to appear smaller.

"He still in that stupid boyband of his?" He continued, a grin spreading over his face. "Surprised they haven't split up and come back home in disgrace yet."

"Leave them alone," I mumbled, fiddling with the strings of my hoodie.

With that, he shoved me back into the lockers with a hand to my chest. "Did you just talk back to me, girly boy?"

My head slammed back into the wall and I groaned, my hand immediately flying to the point of impact. My bully had a smirk on his face as he shoved me one last time before stalking away. I stumbled slightly, rubbing the back of my head as I recovered, wincing at the pounding headache forming.

I managed to straighten up after a moment and brushed myself off before heading to my science classroom, hoping maybe I'd catch a little bit of a break during the rest of the day.

Spoiler alert: I did not.


"Your boyfriend's a pedo, y/l/n," called a boy in my class as I walked outside for lunch.

I kept my head down as I passed them, heading for my usual spot at the edge of the green at a dilapidated park bench that everyone either forgot about or avoided. My bullies had been poking that sore spot since they'd found out Daniel was already 20. But soon I'd be 18 and it wouldn't even matter anymore. I sighed and pulled out my sandwich, already wishing the day was over.

I scrolled through my Instagram as I ate, going to Daniel's page to see his private story. My bottom lip trembled and I caught it between my teeth as I saw a picture of Dani with the words 'missing my baby atm' above his head. God, I wanted to hold him so bad. He looked so soft at that moment, cuddled up in a hoodie, slight stubble lining his jaw, his hair wonderfully tousled, his familiar blue eyes bright and speckled with cobalt, a puppy dog expression taking up residence on his face. His lips formed a slight pout and my chest ached as I thought about how goddamn much I wanted to kiss him.

I smiled slightly as I took a screenshot of it, knowing it would probably be my new background sooner or later.


I slumped in the back of my English classroom, fiddling with my hoodie strings yet again. I struggled to focus on the essay in front of me but my thoughts just kept drifting to Daniel. Fuck, I wanted to hold him. I wanted to hold my baby. I sighed and ran my hands over my face, fighting off the tears and inevitable mental breakdown until after school, which was thankfully only in 20 minutes.

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