2. Away For Too Long

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Butterflies swarmed in my stomach as I made my way up the line. The girls I stood with were very friendly, had recognized me from the millisecond I greeted them. We'd kept up a stream of steady banter and even taken a couple of pictures together.

I excused myself as my phone buzzed in my pocket, playing Cotton Eye Joe, the song I'd set for Corbyn. I answered, a smile already on my face as I heard that familiar voice. "Hey Cornbitch," I smirked.

"Ah, y/n, my favourite sassy buffoon. Anyway, where are you right now?"

"In line," I answered vaguely.

Corbyn groaned and I could basically feel him rolling his eyes. "You sure you don't want to come backstage?"

"Positive. I want to see you guys play. Besides, I got a really good seat. I'm not giving that up."

"Please, y/n. Zach won't stop whining about you. Even I'm not this bad with Christina." Corbs pleaded.

I grinned wider at the mention of my boyfriend. "Nope. Catch me in the third row, Besson."

He sighed and I could hear somebody, probably Daniel, in the background yelling at him to put on some pants. I burst out laughing. "Have a good one, Bean. I'll see after the show, hopefully with pants on."

Corbs laughed and I hung up.



Zach looked so fucking good tonight and my entire body ached to hold him. I'd underestimated just how much I'd missed him in the months he'd been away on tour. He was wearing all black, as usual, and I just wanted to steal his sweatshirt and burrow into it. As I thought that, I subconsciously turtled into the hoodie I was wearing, which just so happened to be his. It didn't smell like him much anymore, much to my annoyance.

About halfway through the show, there was a malfunction in the lights. They paused the show and sat on the edge of the stage, letting fans scream out questions.

"Zach, do you miss y/n??" A girl near me screamed.

My boyfriend chuckled. "Of course. I love her. Its the first tour that I've had where I've had a girlfriend and it's weird having someone that you normally see every day and just not having them there. It's like leaving your family for the first time."

Hundreds of girls awwed and the ones clustered around me started screaming and pointing to me. I laughed, trying to tell them to shush but it was too late. Zach's mouth fell open before stretching into a wide grin. I could make out the words 'hi beautiful' on his lips as he held the microphone away from himself, wiggling his fingers at me.

I waved back before grabbing my stuff and removing myself from the audience, their security guards let me into the backstage with a friendly grin. I found my way to the wings and saw that Zach was already waiting for me. He held out his arms and I sprung into them, wrapping my legs around his waist and burying my face in his neck.

Thousands of girls screamed as we clung to each other, nearly in tears, grinning wildly. I dug one of my hands into his hair and breathed him in, never wanting to let him go ever again.

"The Calvin to my Hobbes," I mumbled into his neck.

"The Tom to my Jerry," He returned. "I love you, angel."


I almost like this one.

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