11. Pent Up (pt. 1)

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Warnings: smUt, kinkiness, threesome, lil bit (a lot) gay at the beginning oOps but I hardcore ship Zorbyn so leave me alone.

I arrived back at the boys' tour bus a good ten minutes before them. Jonah and Daniel were lagging behind at the restaurant, arguing about who was going to pay so I'd told them I was headed back to the bus to shower. What I didn't tell them was the little fact that the heat building up between my thighs was getting way too much to handle. This tour was wrought with sexual tension, each of us trying (and failing) hard to hide our blatant horniness with too-long showers, hands clapped over our mouths and midnight sessions when we thought everyone else was asleep.

Too many times I'd accidentally walked in on one of the boys with a hand around their cock or palming themselves through their jeans. Opposite that, they'd also walked in on me, fingers stuffed deep inside myself or thumbing at my clit.

The first thing I heard when I stepped into the bus was Zach's whimpers coming from the bunk area. Fear momentarily flooded me before I heard his noises tint with needy keening. His voice was high and pleading when he practically moaned out, "Please Corbs, just do it. I don't care anymore."

The other boy's voice was lower but still distinguishable. "You sure? I don't want anything to change after this."

"I don't even fucking care anymore if this is gay," Zach whined. "I just need help and so do you. We don't have to take our clothes off. Just help me, please, Corbyn. I'm so hard."

Corbyn mumbled something before blankets rustled and a loud moan from Zach split the air.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket and I silently thanked god that I had it on vibrate. I opened it to find a text from Jonah saying they were sidetracked and wouldn't be back for another hour or two. A smirk curled my lips. Perfect.

I walked towards the door to the bunks and opened it quietly. Heat shot downward at the sight before me and I clenched my thighs, practically grinding against the seam of my jeans.

Both boys were sitting on Zach's bottom bunk, the younger boy on Corbyn's lap. His legs were spread and his head back on Corbyn's shoulder as the blond's hand squeezed him over his jeans. Despite his plush lip being tucked between his teeth, breathy gasps tumbled from his mouth. Corbyn's other hand gripped Zach's denim-clad hips and rolled them against his own, muffling his groans into the side of the younger boy's neck.

As I watched, nearly paralyzed, Corbyn unzipped Zach's jeans and teased the band of his boxers with his slim fingers.

I finally gained the courage to speak. "Need any help with that?"

Both boys visibly started but relaxed at the needy look on my face.

Zach huffed as Corbyn stilled his hand just inside Zach's Calvins, bucking his hips impatiently. "Fuck," Corbyn moaned as his hard-on was stimulated, eyes falling closed. "Y/n, c'mere."

I quickly untucked my shirt from my jeans, pulling it over my head to reveal my bra. Zach's eyes fixed on my figure as I discarded my shoes and toed off my socks, fumbling with my belt. Zach beckoned me closer as I groaned in frustration. I stepped in front of him, pushing my fingers into his hair as he pulled off my belt and popped the button on my jeans. His thumbs trailed down my thighs as he pushed my jeans down, holding my hips to stabilize me as I stepped out of them.

Corbyn locked eyes with me and I noticed his hands tighten, veins becoming more pronounced. "Oh fuck, y/n."

Zach chuckled and slipped his index fingers into the band of my underwear, thumbs stroking my hips as he teased me. I reached behind me and unclasped my bra, letting it slide down my arms before tossing it away.

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