8. A Little Bit Different

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Warnings: smut

I trailed my nails down Corbyn's bare chest, dipping them slightly into the waistband of his boxers. He let out needy groans as I slid my lips over his neck, sucking a light mark on his collarbone. I nibbled at his earlobe and he choked on a moan when I wrapped my hand around him, squeezing his length through his Calvin's.

"Baby, please," his eyes fluttered closed as I palmed him. He reached for me but I drew back and he whined, letting his hands fall back to the bedsheets.

I swung a leg over his hips, now straddling him. He let out a strained breath as I shifted against him, the sensitivity of prolonged waiting finally getting to him.

I leaned into his chest, my own scantily clad in paper-thin swaths of white lace. My breath brushed his ear and he shivered, his cock twitching as I rolled my hips. My voice was husky and low as I murmured, "I was thinking we could do something a little... different tonight." I pulled back and let my lips curl into a smirk at the blown look of desire in his eyes. "What do you think?"

Corbyn nodded rapidly, letting his eyes close again as he moaned.

I took the opportunity to reach into one of the drawers in our bedside table, smirking as I took in the handcuffs. I drew them out, letting them clatter.

Corbyn's eyes opened and widened but he smirked, his hips bucking in anticipation. I took his wrists and secured them to the bed. Corbyn waited, a confident, almost cocky smile playing on his lips as he surveyed me.

I rolled off of his lap and slid off his boxers teasingly, going inch by inch, my nails tracing down his legs as I did so.

Corbyn's cock was flushed and dripping by the time I threw his Calvin's to the other side of the room. He whined as I simply traced over his hip bones, trailing down his thighs. I smirked and leaned up to kiss him, his ensuing gasp getting lost in my mouth as I gripped him without warning, using his precum to slowly jack him, rubbing my thumb over the sensitive head.

His hips jerked slightly and he let his head fall back on the pillows, a husky, needy whine tumbling from his lips as I thumbed a particularly receptive spot just under the ridge of the tip. "Baby, please," he moaned, his hands clenching into fists within the restraints, knuckles paling.

I wiggled down a little to get better access, placing myself on his thighs and bending to kiss his tense abdomen. He moaned, his cock twitching even as I stroked the base. I cupped my other hand under his balls and Corbyn jolted slightly at the contact.

"Baby, I'm gonna come, holy shit." Corbyn's lip sat between his teeth, eyes shut, fists clenched, thighs shaking.

I continued my movements, letting him rock his hips into my hand.

His pleasure peaked and he let go with a rough cry, his climax dousing my fingers. He kept roughly breathing as I guided him through it, leaning up to unclasp his wrists, fumbling with my one clean hand.

As soon as he was free, Corbyn rolled over on top of me, kissing down my chest and hooking his fingers through the band of my panties. He looked up at me with a lazy grin. "Your turn, baby."

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