4. Help You

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Warnings: Smut


I glanced over at Zach who was on the other side of the bed, my eyebrows furrowing as I saw him simply staring at his phone.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

The soft lamplight illuminated his expression as Zach bit his lip and turned to look at me, shaking his head. "Nothing, angel." I didn't miss the darkness in his eyes.

I snuggled closer to him, smirking as I heard his breath hitch. My hand slid over his stomach, feeling his muscles tense and contract. I trailed my fingers along the line of his sweatpants, dipping them slightly into the waistband before retracting as I heard his light gasp.

My lips found his bare chest and I pressed them to his fluttering heartbeat. I suddenly gripped Zach through his sweats, feeling just how hard he was. "You sure I can't help you with anything, baby?"

He chuckled darkly, the sound being cut off with a groan as I squeezed gently, craning my neck to look up at him. His lip was tucked tightly between his teeth, blanching the soft skin. His dark eyes were hooded but fixated on me, clinging to my every move.

I slid onto his lap, pressing our lips together. My hands fumbled between us to slide his sweats down his thighs. Zach kicked them off hurriedly, his hands clasping my hips briefly before sliding up my sides and pushing my shirt up. We disconnected as I shucked off the t-shirt before messily joining again. He steadied me with hands on my hips as I awkwardly removed my underwear.

I let a smirk creep over my face as I sat back to let Zach see my form. He let his eyes trail from top to bottom, hands splayed on my thighs, spreading them slightly so he could see me. "Like what you see?"

He met my eyes again and leaned in slowly, letting our lips touch as he spoke. "You know I do, angel."

He seemed to almost cradle me then, taking his time in kissing me, letting his tongue explore my mouth. I raised myself slightly and reached between us as he continued. He moaned as I closed a hand around him and lowered down on him ever so slightly. He groaned as I pulled off again, running my hand up and down his length before letting him press into me again.

We both moaned heatedly, savouring each other's warmth before I moved again. Zach held my hips, guiding me. Our lips only left each other's so we could take hasty breaths only to come back to each other.

"I love you, angel," Zach mumbled against me.

My lips lifted in a smile. "I love you, Z."

My hands slid up to Zach's shoulders and I squeezed them slightly as he hit my g-spot. "Baby-"

My legs shook and I struggled to continue moving. Zach tugged my lip into his mouth before letting go and at the same time rolling us over so he was propped over me. One hand still cupped my hip and the other rested beside my head to keep him up as he thrusted into me, keeping that slow, powerful rhythm that I'd established.

I moaned, closing my eyes but immediately opening them again to see Zach's tense, beautiful face. His jaw was slack, low moans and utterances of my name tumbling from his lips.

"Baby, I don't- oh my god," My voice broke into a breathy moan as Zach picked up the pace. My back arched and Zach dipped down to press an open-mouthed kiss to the exposed center of my throat. I curled my fingers into his hair, clenching around him.

His thrusts stuttered and he let out a long moan, thrusting harder than ever to get me to my high.

That rhythm pushed me over the edge and I moaned heavily as my thighs shook and tightened, my heat clenched and my hand tugged at his hair. "Fuck, oh my god. Holy shit," I gasped out.

Zach gave one last hard thrust before seating himself deep inside me and unraveling. His abdomen tightened and his hips twitched before he relaxed, drawing out of me slowly. We collapsed next to each other, still twined together.

I reached up and pecked his jaw. He smiled and turned to give me a proper kiss, threading his fingers through my hair. "I love you, baby."

"Love you, Z," I mumbled, just barely fighting off the sleepiness that suddenly invaded me.

He left one more kiss on the top of my head as I succumbed to the drowsiness tugging at me. "Go to sleep, angel. I'll see you in the morning."

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