1. Guitar Lessons

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Warnings: Smut

I sat with my best friend Jack, while he taught me to play guitar in his room. I soon grew frustrated as he tried to teach me how to change chords. Jack sat in a chair while I was on his bed across from him.

Jack winced as I plucked the wrong chord. "Oops." I cringed.

My best friend sighed and ran a hand through his thick curls. Why must the only person that I couldn't be with be so god damned attractive? "Y/n, c'mere." he patted his lap. "Just let me show you."

I slowly lowered myself onto Jack's lap, wishing I could be facing the other way, kissing up his neck, moving my lips over his- I flushed and shook my head, trying to focus on the guitar in my hands.

That proved to be even harder when Jack wrapped his arms around me and pulled my fingers to the right positions. I squirmed uncomfortably. Jack grunted.

I muttered an apology.

We stayed like that for about ten minutes before I groaned and turned on Jack's lap to face him. "I can't do it!"

Jack's face was undeniably embarrassed and flustered, his cheeks pink and his chocolate eyes wide. I screwed up my eyebrows in confusion. "Y-y/n." Jack mumbled. "It's okay. Let's try it again."

I nodded and turned back around. Oh. A forceful something prodded me in the ass. I cleared my throat awkwardly, adjusting myself slightly. A hot exhalation of air hit my neck and I shivered. Jack tensed even more behind me. A smirk formed on my lips. I rolled my hips just a little, a pool forming in my underwear.

Jack shifted slightly and put his arms back around me. He guided my fingers back to the proper strings. He froze as my panties dampened even more, probably because my thin leggings were soaked through. My hips rolled over his hard on, teasing him even more. Jack groaned. "Y/n, I-I-"

His words were cut off as I opened my legs a little, running my clothed heat over his member. He suddenly ripped the guitar from my hands and set it on the floor before picking me up and turned me around on his lap.

His eyes were wide and dark, his chest heaving, lips red from being bitten. "Y/n, I can't do this anymore. You've become so much more than a friend in the last year and I've been so good at restraining myself. But if you keep teasing me like this, I'm going to make you fix me."

I leaned forward and kissed him, mumbling, "so do" into his lips before he devoured me. His tongue slipped in, tangling with my own. He stopped only to pull our shirts off. Then he was back at my mouth. His clever fingers hooked on the waistband of my leggings and I stood briefly to take them off. My own hands went to the waist of his sweats, pulling them down to his knees. He leaned over and shucked them all the way off, groaning as one less clothing item separated us.

I grinded on him again and he let out a half moan half whimper into my mouth. He unclipped my bra and shucked it off, literally tearing off my underwear. I didn't care as my bare heat collided with his hard on. I moaned throatily.

Jack took off his boxers and without hesitation, slid into me. I gasped at the sensation, gripping his hair tightly as I started to move my hips up and down on his length. "Jack!" I yelled as the tip of his length hit my g-spot. He groaned and started matching my movements, going deeper and harder than before. He thrust up violently and I gasped, pain pronouncing itself through the immense pleasure. "Jack, fuck, stop."

He froze, seeing the look on my face for the first time. "I'm sorry babygirl." he caressed my face.

I took a deep breath and nodded to him. "Okay."

"I'm in love with you y/n." Jack whispered, kissing up my neck.

I moaned and tipped my head back, pulling at Jack's hair. "Oh dear lord." I gasped. "I love you sweetheart. I love you." I was really losing it now, moaning and kissing up his face.

Jack shuddered. "Baby, I'm so close."

In response, I crumpled into him, falling apart around him. I continued moving through my high though I was absolutely exhausted.

"Y/n!" Jack yelled, thrusting up once more before he released into me, hot liquid spilling into my walls.

My chest heaved. Jack placed a tender kiss on my lips. He pulled out of me and sighed deeply, kissed up the tender side of my neck, nibbling my earlobe. He picked me up and brought us to the bed, curling up with me under the covers. He nuzzled into the side of my neck and I giggled sleepily.

"Goodnight baby boy."

"Sweet dreams babe."


You can really tell I don't play guitar. Oops. Also, this was one of the very first smuts I ever wrote and its like really bad. Sorry.

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