19. Unloved

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Warnings: smut-ish, sad-ish

"Fuck you, Jonah," I sobbed pathetically, all the anger leaving me like it was trickling through a storm drain under my feet. I wanted to follow that anger, escape from Jonah's pleading eyes, from the room where our angry words still hung thickly in the air.

"Y/n," Jonah huffed. I looked up through my wet lashes to see him tugging frustratedly at his hair. "We need to talk about this."

"No, we don't," I snapped. "Just leave. Just go home."

Jonah approached me quickly and grasped my shoulders gently. "Y/n, I'm not fucking leaving you after I find out that you feel unloved. Baby, please. We need to talk this out."

"I don't want to talk. You shouldn't've heard that."

"Whether you said it to Christina or to my face, you being unhappy is still my business. Y/n, you're my girlfriend. I want you to be happy." His hands slid to my back and he pulled me close, kissing my hair.

I started to sob heavily then, my tears leaching into Jonah's shirt. I balled my hands in his shirt and curled into him. "I'm sorry. I should've told you but I didn't know how to bring it up and-"

Jonah shushed me softly. "It's alright, baby. It's okay. I'm sorry I haven't been around. I should've been more appreciative of you because you're one of the best things in my life and I've been taking you for granted."

I pulled away from him slightly so I could free my arms and cup his cheeks, pulling him into a long kiss. "I love you, Jonah. I love you so much, baby."

To my shock, Jonah had tears balancing on his bottom lashes and as he blinked, they trailed down his cheeks. I brushed them away with my thumbs, caressing his cheekbones. "I love you, y/n. Every day since you walked into my life has been as an utter blessing and I still can't get over the fact that I have the privilege to call you mine."

Our lips melded together again and Jonah slipped his tongue into my mouth. I stood on tiptoe to be closer to his level, even though it didn't help much. My fingers tangled in his hair and I tugged gently, drawing out a quiet, rumbling moan which reverberated through his chest.

We moved together as if we could read each other's minds, stepping back to lower ourselves to the bed. Jonah's hands travelled up my shirt and I pulled it off impatiently, reconnecting our lips as soon as I discarded it on the floor beside us. His mouth was soft against my own, gentle and slow.

Soon, all of our clothes were scattered on the floor and Jonah was kissing me passionately as he pushed in with slow thrusts. "I love you," he mumbled, rolling his hips gently. "I love you." He thrust in again, unhurried and loving. "I love you." His hips met mine. "I love you." Our gazes met and I nearly cried at the emotions swirling in his hazel eyes. "I love you." Jonah pulled back slowly before burying himself in me again. "I love you."

It was slow and loving, the way he took me, each thrust punctuated with an expression of love. By the time he pulled out we were both in tears and clutching at each other. "I love you," he murmured again, his voice thick and low.

"I know," I sobbed. "I love you, too. God, I love you so much, Jonah."

We stayed wrapped around each other until we fell asleep, soft words exchanged and gentle caresses delivered. Jonah pressed his lips to my forehead as I drifted into unconsciousness. "Sleep well, my love."


i don't know why but i don't really like this one. whatever.

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