14. Sick

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Corbyn's PoV

I tried answering a few questions from my live as I walked to mine and y/n's room, pausing as I opened the door. Some of the fans had asked how she'd been doing recently because they'd seen on her socials that she'd been sick. She'd gone to our room a little while ago to watch a movie on her laptop and left me in boredom. So I'd started a live.

When I opened the door, my heart melted a little. Y/n was sprawled on the bed, laptop still playing The Princess Bride. I could make out the hem of her shorts beneath the thick black fabric of my hoodie. She had on a pair of fluffy socks and was cuddled into my pillow, her hair draping lazily over the covers.

I glanced back at the live to find people blowing up that I'd probably been looking at y/n because of the lovey dovey look on my face. A smile grew onto my face as I climbed onto the bed and sat up against the headboard. Y/n seemed to hear or feel me and snuggled into my side, huffing as I readjusted her to be cuddled onto me more.

The chat went off about how cute we were, calling us their parents and saying how adorable y/n looked. I chuckled softly, trying not to wake her.

"I'm probably going to get off soon and snuggle my girl," I said lowly.

Apparently, y/n heard it all the same and stirred sleepily, stretching into me before wrapping her arm firmly around my chest. I smiled wider as I looked at her, leaning down to press a kiss on her head.

"She's sleeping right now but I'm going to wake her up if I talk much more. So I just want to thank you all for watching and for supporting. And I'll see y'all later." I smiled, waving slightly before clicking end.

I readjusted to lay back on the pillows, shifting onto my side and pulling y/n close. She was such an angel when she was asleep. Mouth slightly parted, cheeks flushed, content. I felt my eyes growing tired and drooping as I nuzzled into her hair, smiling slightly at the familiar scent of her shampoo.

The last thought before I fell asleep was, fuck, I'm lucky.


Wc: 409

Sorry this is so short but I was sick and wanted cuddles so I wrote this.

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