8. Good Morning

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Warning: Smut

Something seemed to tickle my neck, a soft brush of something and I swatted it away, fighting to stay asleep. It came again, soft and fluttering along my spine, my shoulders, my neck. Gentle fingers caressed my sides beneath the sheets, butterfly kisses to the shell of my ear.

The sweet soreness of my body as I stretched it slowly brought me into the waking world. My legs were entwined with someone else's and I breathed in the now familiar smell surrounding me. Warmth, safety, something spicy that was all his.

I curled deeper into the blankets, finding something warm and solid behind me and pressing against it. A small chuckle burst through the barrier of silence and I sighed sleepily. A warm arm wrapped around my middle, pulling my naked body closer. I shifted, slowly opening my eyes to see Jonah smirking at me, his hair spiking up in an adorable, rumpled mess of cocoa.

"Good morning sweet girl." Jonah cooed, dragging his fingertips along my skin in sinful lines that made me squirm.

Jonah shifted and with him, the blankets. I groaned at the chill air now plaguing my body with goosebumps. "I know you're awake, y/n."

A small smile grew on my lips at Jonah's husky morning voice. "I never claimed any different."

"In that case," he whispered, kissing up my neck. I moaned quietly, moving back against him ever so slightly. Jonah's breath hitched and he grazed my neck with his teeth. He was already hard and I could feel the apex of my thighs going watery.

"Hello to you too." I giggled, pushing my ass against him again.

Jonah reached up and gripped my peaked breasts, rutting himself against my backside. His head tilted forward onto my shoulder and he moaned, biting my skin gently.

One of his hands slid down my body and I squeezed my thighs in anticipation. He chuckled and gently pried them apart, immediately thumbing my clit. I cried out, arching my back in a sensual bow. He slid his middle finger over my slit, teasing me horribly. "So damn wet, y/n." He pulled my earlobe between his teeth and nibbled on it, chuckling when I moaned loudly. He circled my entrance, moving down my neck to suck lightly on my sweet spot.

I could've cried in relief when he finally pushed into me. My hips bucked on instinct and Jonah smirked, kissing my shoulder. He slipped another finger into me and pulled away from my neck, watching in fascination as I writhed with his every move. He stroked my walls, quickly working up a pace that left me breathless and moaning.

He pulled out his fingers and I whined at the loss, rolling over to see what had pushed Jonah to be so cruel. He smirked cheekily before placing his fingers in his mouth, moaning lightly at my taste.

Before I knew it, I was on my back, Jonah kissing trails down my body before he grinned wickedly up at me. I smirked back lazily, running my fingers through his static hair.

My boyfriend lowered his mouth to me, kissing me once before taking a grip on my thighs before he started working me. Every lick of Jonah's tongue set me on fire. I moaned, throwing my head back. My hands curled tighter in his hair, pulling slightly.

Heat filled my veins and a tight pressure started ratcheting up inside of me.

Jonah chuckled against me and I cried out, trying to buck my hips into him. My back arched as he took my clit into his mouth, nibbling gently at the ball of nerves. "Jonah, Jo, I can't-" I gasped, the lava in my stomach threatening to spill over.

"Let go, baby."

Every part of me tightened and I was left gasping, moaning and nearly begging for more as Jonah pulled himself up to kiss me. "I could eat you out for hours," He confessed, giving me a lazy grin. I could taste myself on his tongue when he opened my mouth with his own.

Jonah started rolling his hips on mine, teasing me with his hardness. I moaned, grinding on him as well. Jonah made a sound almost like a whimper and I reached between us to feel his length. He moaned gutturally, jerking his hips into my fist. I brushed my thumb over his leaking tip and he shuddered, grabbing my hand away from him. His eyes were dark when they met mine. "Careful, y/n. If you keep doing that, I might come before the fun even starts."

I bit my lip, knowing it drove him wild.

My eyes flew open and I threw my head back as Jonah slowly, teasingly, slid into me. I whined as he stopped halfway, tugging at his hair. Jonah inched his hips towards mine... and then pulled them out most of the way, smirking the whole time. I groaned and tried to buck my hips but he stopped that with a firm hand on my hip.

I almost screamed as Jonah slammed in all the way, pounding into me at a steady, ruthless pace that had my thighs trembling. I moaned aloud, tightening my hands in his hair as he moved, tilting his hips ever so slightly. I did scream this time, his name, as he hit that spot. My thighs trembled and my stomach tightened. "Jonah," I gasped. "I don't know how much longer I-"

He thrust slower now but didn't move from that hard steadiness. He reached up and caressed my face. "Don't try. Just let it go." I looked up at him to see how hard he was struggling not to release then and there. Ever the gentleman, he wanted me to go first.

That edge of oblivion was so close and the heat in my stomach was so intense that my whole body was shaking. I screamed Jonah's name as I released, clenching around him. He let out a relieved groan and spilled into me, panting and thrusting through his high.

He pulled out of me but still stayed suspended over my body.

"Well, that was quite a way to wake up," I laughed.

Jonah let out a husky chuckle. "I'd be down for trying it out again though."

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