1. Stood Up

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Sorry, this is kind of a mediocre way to kick off the corbyn imagines

I checked the time for about the fourth time in two minutes. It was official, my boyfriend, Chase, was late. He hadn't texted, hadn't called, hadn't let me know he was even okay.


Where r u?


Did we decide on 6 30?

Are u almost here?

I sighed and turned off my phone, chewing on my lip. What if he wasn't okay?

Ten minutes passed and I ordered a drink, my leg bouncing up and down in my impatience.

Ten more minutes. I turned away the waitress who asked if I was ready to order.

"I'm still waiting on somebody, sorry," I answered, blushing.

She gave me a sympathetic look and walked away.

Five minutes later. I ordered fries and started to pick at them.


Baby, are you alright?

I just need an answer.

If you wanted to cancel, you could've just said so.

The front bell chimed and I looked up, sighing when I saw it wasn't my boyfriend. The guy was tall and handsome, but not Chase. He shot me a look of sympathy as I slumped back again, nibbling at another fry.

I opened my phone again and texted Chase's mom instead.


Hey Lorry. Do you know where chase is? We were supposed

to go out together tonight but he hasn't shown and I'm a

little worried


No, sorry y/n. I haven't heard from him.


No problem. Thanks anyway

I sighed.

My phone buzzed and lit up with a message.

My Boy

Hey sorry babe. Family stuff. Gonna have to cancel

My moms not doing good so im gonna stay w her

I stared at the sentence. He'd lied to me. What was he doing? I knew it was a bad idea to let a cheater back into my life but I couldn't help but hold onto Chase when he'd been such a big part of my life for so long.

I didn't think twice before blocking him.

I was about to give up and leave when somebody slid into the booth across from me.

"Hey, are you okay?" The handsome stranger from earlier smiled softly at me.

A small laugh bubbled past my lips and I shook my head slightly. "My boy- I guess ex boyfriend now- just stood me up and lied. Guess it serves me right to get back with a cheater."

The boy frowned. "Can't believe anyone would stand you up."

Heat dusted my cheeks and I giggled. "You flatter me, sir."

He smiled cutely and reached a hand over the table, which I shook. "I'm Corbyn."


"It's very nice to meet you, y/n." He seemed to steal himself before continuing. "And if you wanted, we could consider this a date."

His words coaxed a smile to my lips. "That sounds really good."

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