13. "Fuck"

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Warnings: smut

Jonah shifted uncomfortably in bed next to me, mumbling something under his breath. I looked over at him and smirked slightly when I saw the sheets tented at his waist.

My boyfriend groaned and bit his lip when he saw me looking. His hand trailed down to the bulge and he threw his head back as he palmed himself.

My eyebrows knit together when Jonah hissed like he was in pain. "Baby, what's wrong?"

Jonah flushed. "I got a boner when you were at work yesterday morning and I couldn't get myself off. So I waited and you fell asleep when you got home." Jonah's head was thrown back as he traced over the tent, squeezing lightly. "I'm sorry that-"

"Don't apologize, baby. I'll make you feel good." I threw the covers off and twisted so I was straddling him.

"Fuck, please baby. It fucking hurts." Jonah whined.

I placed my hands on his hips and traced them up, roaming beneath his shirt. My hips rolled on his and he groaned loudly, resting both hands on my waist and pulling me harder on to him.

I could feel just how hard he was through my lace panties and his sweats. He swore, bucking his hips into me a little.

His cock twitched against me and I gasped, my panties getting more soaked.

"Baby, fuck, I'm gonna-" he was cut off as he came into his boxers, heat flushing his cheeks. "Fuck."

I giggled, beginning to get off of him. Jonah pressed my hips into his again. "Where do you think you're going, baby? It's payback time." His hips rolled on mine and I was surprised to find that he was already hard again. "I feel how wet you are."

He promptly flipped us over and pulled my panties down my legs in a swift move. His hands trailed up and down my sides, cupping my breasts. Then he lowered his mouth to me with a wicked grin.

I caught my hands in his hair as the first touch of his tongue sent fire straight into the pit of my stomach. "Oh my fuck." I gasped out, moving my hips which he quickly stopped with a careless hand on my waist. I bowed up off the bed as he traced around my clit with the teasing tip of his tongue.

I pulled my thighs over his muscled shoulders, clenching them slightly as a shudder went through me. My following moans made him smile sinfully, nibbling at my clit ever so slightly.

He pushed his tongue into me, moving it in a way that lit my whole body on fire. I looked up, gasping, just to see his hips rolling against the mattress as he tongue-fucked me.

I pushed his head away from me with a groan. "Fuck me," I got out.

Jonah's eyes flashed and he pulled himself up, pushing down his sweats as he did. His muscles rippled as he cast off his shirt, biting his lip as he saw the effect he had on me.

He pulled off my shirt and I pulled him close, locking our lips together. I could taste myself on him and moaned slightly.

With a single powerful movement, Jonah buried himself in me. I screamed, throwing my head back and clawing at his shoulders. Jonah moaned huskily as I tightened around him, his hands stumbling over my hips for a second before he started thrusting into me.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Jonah growled, driving his hips home again. "Fuck."

One of my thighs was slung over his shoulder, the other positioned at his hip. My back bowed and my hands tightened as he found my g-spot and I swore loudly.

Jonah's face was one of undeniable pleasure. His eyes had fallen shut and his jaw hung slack as he pounded into me relentlessly. His thrusts stuttered and he swore again, clenching his entire body. This wasn't new to me. It was what he did when he was trying to stop himself from coming.

"It's okay, baby." I leaned forward to whisper in Jonah's ear. "Come for me."

Jonah let out a long groan as he spilled into me. I moaned at the feeling of his warmth inside me before he slid out, kissing me slowly, deeply.

"Now for your turn, baby."


Whoopsie doopsie

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