4. Overwhelmed

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My hands shook as I picked up yet another homework assignment from the pile on the floor by my bed. It was 11 pm on Friday and I still had four essays and a research paper to complete for Monday. My boyfriend, Corbyn and I had plans tomorrow as he was finally back from a vacation with his family in Colorado. Unfortunately, that meant I only had today to finish my homework as I knew I didn't want to be stressing about it on Sunday.

I took a deep breath and readjusted the pillow behind me as I retrieved my notes from beside me. Being a college student had worsened my writing a lot as I was more focused on getting everything down rather than trying to make it readable. In the end, maybe I was just backstabbing myself with the jumble of font.

Almost an hour later I was about halfway done when the doorbell rang. I groaned and shoved my laptop off my thighs and heaved myself up, heading down the hall of my apartment. I could hear my roommate's snores from her room and assumed she was sleeping, though I knew she had a paper due Monday. Guess I was going to have to share my notes. Again.

I wrenched open my front door and caught a split-second sight of my boyfriend's grin before I was engulfed in a bear hug. I giggled and hugged him back as he nuzzled his nose into my sweatshirt (which was actually his). "I thought you weren't back until tomorrow."

"No need to sound so disappointed." Corbyn chuckled, finally putting me down. His smile waned a little. "You haven't been sleeping enough," he said, gently brushing his thumb against my under eyes.

I gave him a what-can-you-do kind of look. "That's what college will do to you I guess."

Corbyn leaned down as I stood on tiptoe in my fuzzy sock feet and our lips met. His familiar taste was still the exact same as I remembered, his lips soft and full against my own chapped ones.

He pulled away all too soon and sighed. "C'mon baby, I've got some of your favorite burritos." he reached down and grabbed a paper bag from the carpeted hallway of my building and held it up tantalizingly. "Let's watch a movie or something."

I groaned. "I wish I could but I've got so much homework that I have to get done before tomorrow."

"Is it due Saturday?"

"No, Monday, but-" I tried.

Corbyn grinned. "Well, that's okay then. We'll take a break tonight, you need it, then I'll help you get everything done tomorrow and we'll go out Sunday."

I couldn't say no to that face. "Fine but-"

Corbyn swept me into his arms. "It's fine. Trust me babygirl."


I could feel my eyes closing but I struggled to stay awake, stubbornly wanting to finish this movie, if only so I could be with Corbyn for the longest time possible. I snuggled more into his side, inhaling his scent.

"Go to sleep, love. You really need it."

I whined in protest, looking up at him to give him puppy-dog eyes.

Corbyn only chuckled. "As cute as that is, you need your rest. You're driving yourself into the ground with all the work you're doing."

"But Corbs," I complained.

He shushed me softly, stroking my hair and laying a kiss on my forehead. "Go to sleep y/n. I love you."

I tried to respond but all I could manage was an unintelligible mumble before I surrendered to sleep.

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