7. Coffee

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warnings: short

Jonah's PoV

The crisp morning air bit at my cheeks and I shivered, pulling my bomber jacket closer around me. I sighed, wishing I hadn't parked so far away from the cafe.

I barely kept myself from jumping out of my skin when somebody tugged on my jacket sleeve. The girl looked up at me, smiling, but it didn't reach her wide eyes. Was she a fan then? "Hey," She exclaimed brightly, her voice almost cracking. Then her voice lowered. "Some guy has been following me around for almost an hour." Her eyes were pleading, wide with terror.

"No problem." I murmured, glancing over my shoulder. Indeed, there was an older man standing behind us, glowering sourly at me. "C'mon, I'll buy you a coffee, love."

She sighed in relief and took my extended hand. "I'm y/n."

"Jonah." I replied, squeezing her cold fingers between my own.

Y/n smiled for real now and I couldn't help but think how cute she looked, rosy cheeks and all.

We reached the cafe and I guided her inside. "Go grab us a table and I'll get you a coffee or something."

She nodded. "Can I get a latte please?"

"Yeah." My eyes tracked her as she almost bounced her way to a table for two by the window. She shot me a sweet smile that made my lips quirk up.

Eventually, I joined her with our steaming cups. She immediately cupped both hands around hers and smiled appreciatively at me. "Thank you. For everything."


Okay, I know that was shit. I read something about this kind of thing somewhere and just wanted to share it.

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