12. Pent Up (pt. 2)

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Warnings: you read the first part. So same thing applies (smut, kinkiness, threesome, etc.)

I groaned as I dragged myself from my bunk, sleepily gathering my toiletries. I walked past the communal table in the small kitchenette and couldn't help as my eyes lingered on Corbyn and Daniel. They were slouched in their seats and I didn't miss their eyes snagging on my legs as I passed, my pyjama shorts nearly hiked up my ass.

Once in the shower, my hair brushed and up in a bun to avoid wetting it, my thoughts meandered back to the boys. Honestly, I was surprised that Daniel hadn't come whining to me yet. I was sure that Corbyn or Zach would've bragged by now. Those two couldn't keep their traps shut for longer than two seconds anyway. A small smile tugged on my lips as I considered that maybe Daniel was just either playing shy or maybe he actually was embarrassed to ask about it.

I shook the boys from my thoughts, not wanting the image of them to get to me.


I could hear the boys before I even stepped out of the bathroom. A small, smug expression formed as Corbyn's voice filtered through the door. I was suddenly very glad that I was freshly shaved and had actually taken the time to select a pretty, short dress that showed off my legs and flattered my curves.

I couldn't help but dawdle in the bathroom for a few extra minutes as Corbyn's voice became more and more smug.

"-amazing, I gotta say, Dani-boy. She's just so good. Knows every little trick to make you moan." Corbyn's tone was light and conversational but I could hear lower cadences of teasing and maybe just a touch of a light husky quality as he reminisced. "You shoulda been there, Dan. You think she's gorgeous already and then you see her naked-" There was a slight whine from Daniel and I could picture him shuffling in his seat as he got riled up, a fierce blush most likely spreading through his face like wildfire. "And the way she takes you-" And then- fuck. Corbyn moaned. He fucking moaned, the sound sending a shockwave of heat spiralling through my veins.

That noise spurred me into action and suddenly I couldn't last a moment longer without getting exactly what I wanted. I came out into the main area and slid onto the seat next to Daniel. He was quite flushed, his ears pink in embarrassment while Corbyn looked quite proud of himself. I propped my legs up on the table, my skirt shimmying up with the movement, exposing more of my thigh.

"Where are the other boys?"

I met Corbyn's gaze over the table as he mentioned something about I-HOP. His eyes were dark and lustful and somehow still playful and teasing at the same time.

I leaned over the table, letting my skirt ride up practically to my underwear, perfectly placed in Daniel's vision. You see, Daniel could act all innocent and tame but I knew that as soon as his restraint snapped he'd get very dom, very fast. The very thought pulled up the corners of my mouth. I propped my chin on my hands and batted my lashes at Corbyn.

"What are you looking to accomplish here, angel?" Corbyn's voice was low and rough, sending tingles through me.

"I don't know what you mean," I said sweetly, settling into a soft, innocent expression. "I'm not looking for anything."

Corbyn scoffed and I stuck my tongue out at him, earning a low growl in response.

I glanced behind me and was pleased to confirm that Daniel's eyes were fixed on my ass. I sat down again, silently beckoning Corbyn over to our side of the table. I was rather pleased when he complied, immediately leaning down to connect our lips. He opened my mouth to him and he caressed me with his tongue. I smiled against Corbyn as I heard Daniel's small exhalation behind me, carrying a slight whimpering noise in the tone. I could practically feel the jealousy rolling off him, especially as one of Corbyn's hands tangled in my hair, bringing us closer into each other.

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