1. Just Hold Me

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I just want people to realize that those comments they make, those things they post, those words they say, they affect them. And I hope this illustrated that.

Also, the boys live in one house in this one. I know they don't anymore and they haven't for a while but it just worked better for the imagine.

I paused my Netflix as I recognized Zach's heavy footsteps coming upstairs. Just by his walk, I knew he was tired. As soon as he pushed open the door I could tell something was wrong. I pushed the laptop off my legs and sat up as he shucked off his shoes and threw his socks in the hamper. His jeans came off too but were just as quickly replaced by a pair of joggers. Not in all the time I'd been with him had Zach worn anything but boxers and a t-shirt to bed. I frowned at the sudden change, at the cheeks that were even more flushed than usual.

Zach collapsed onto the bed next to me, hands going up to hide his face as he let out a long sigh. He was illuminated by the warm, dim lamp on the table beside me but even in the poor lighting, I could make out the signs of stress on his beautiful face.

"Zach, baby, are you okay?" Of course, I knew about the hate. Everybody close to the boys or their fandom had. Hell, I'd been talking to Myta about it this morning. But Zach had never taken it like this. Not ever. I felt only sympathy for my boy and the need for him to be okay.

He made a huffing sound and rolled over onto me, pushing me against the mattress again. I rubbed his back as he cuddled into me, head nosing into my belly. His eyes were slightly red and puffy and a wave of emotion rolled over me. I buried my hands in his hair, knowing he liked when I played with it.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked tentatively, not wanting to set him off.

He shook his head. "Just hold me."

He reached out with one hand and pulled the computer onto my legs again, resuming the show. I continued looking at him, my boy, who looked so vulnerable at that moment, who had undoubtedly been crying far too recently.

I glanced at Zach's joggers and the hoodie he hadn't taken off yet. I'd seen the comments, the tweets that snapped at Z to work out or lose some weight. They disgusted me. And what disgusted me, even more, was that they called themselves fans. Fans don't make their idols feel like this. Fans don't make their idols worry in the morning about what they should be wearing and if they would get hate for it.

I'd almost broken down this morning as Zach, who usually didn't care what he was wearing at the studio, came up to me to ask if his hoodie made his stomach look fat.

I instinctively hugged him closer at the thought, wishing I could keep him safe from the world and every person trying to knock him down.

There was a soft knock on the door and Daniel's head poked in. His eyes trailed to Zach immediately, the blue turning sad and sympathetic as he too in his bandmate in such a delicate state. He turned to me and mouthed 'you got him' with a raise of eyebrows to let me know it was a question.

I nodded, thumb unconsciously stroking Zach's shoulder.

Daniel mouthed a thank you before slipping out.

"Do you want to watch for a little longer or just sleep, bubba?"

"Sleep," he mumbled, sitting up as I closed the laptop and put it on the table beside us.

I sat up too, kneeling before him to kiss his cheek. I placed my hands on his hips. "Can we take your hoodie off, bub? You're gonna overheat."

He nodded and I helped him out of it, kissing his chest through his t-shirt.

"I love you, Zach."

His eyes met mine. "I love you too, angel." He pressed our lips together before pulling us down into the cushions.

I took him into my arms and he curled into me when I kissed the top of his head. I clicked off the light. "Sleep, baby. I've got you."


Kind of short but I like how it turned out. Hope you enjoyed

xx, sara

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