21 - Cushions

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Warnings: Smut

Jonah's thumbs hooked in the waistband of my lace panties, teasing at my hip-bone for a second before letting the fabric snap back into place. His lips trailed down my stomach, an unmistakable smirk curling their corners. He glanced up and I melted into his dark, hazel eyes. He traced his tongue over my delicate waistband and dipped it into the clothing article.

He looked up at me and grinned one more time before lowering his face to my clothed heat. The fabric was already soaked and Jonah took his time in tasting me slightly.

His slim fingers curled around the drenched section of my underwear, grazing my heat as he did so, pulling it to the side. My panties fairly flew down my legs and the next second I was holding onto the couch below me for dear life as Jonah buried his face between my thighs.

I tried my best not to scream and instead let out whimpers, my lip pulled between my teeth. I threw my head back and let out a breathy "oh" as Jonah plunged into me. He chuckled, sending a wave of euphoria over me. His plush lips pressed against my clit in a soft kiss. He nibbled at the sensitive bundle of nerves, chuckling again as I let out a keening whine, arching up from the couch.

Jonah made his way down to my entrance, trailing his tongue through my folds. I turned my face to the side, my head arched back, exposing my neck. "Jo, please."

In answer, he only traced around my entrance teasingly, pressing in slightly only to recede, smirking slyly. I bucked my hips up erratically, desperately seeking any sort of friction. Jonah pulled away, my slickness shining on his lips. Looking up through his eyelashes, he spoke in a rough, husky voice which he knew I loved. "Patience, my love."

He gently pushed my hips down, settling his fingertips over my hip bone.

Jonah's tongue went on a tauntingly slow journey from my clit to my entrance, stopping to nibble gently at my folds. I let out a shamefully loud moan as Jonah finally plummeted into me. His lips spread around me, teeth grazing my sensitive skin. I cried out, struggling against the urge to buck my hips. "F-fuck," I gasped.

The knot that had been building in the pit of my stomach for the last several minutes finally unraveled, sending fire scorching through my veins and leaving my legs numb for several seconds.

Jonah gave my heat one last kiss before pulling away, grinning at my shaking form. "How was that, love?"

Love. That single nickname sent a shudder of joy coursing through me. How could a single person sound so sweet and innocent and caring after the last few minutes?

"Fuck, Jonah." I got out, still breathing unevenly.

He chuckled, dipping down to kiss my stomach. I dragged my hands through his hair, bringing him up to kiss me properly. His hips started rolling against mine and I tugged his hair, dragging a groan from his lips.

"So fuckin' wet." Jonah dragged his cock through my folds, moaning as he dipped into me ever so slightly. He teased me mercilessly, pulling out again to run over me again.

I whined, tugging his hair harshly, one of my hands dropping down to clutch at his back. I slung my thighs around his hips to try and pull him closer.

A chuckle passed his lips at my attempts and he pulled his lips away from mine, burying his face in the crook my neck. I whimpered plaintively even as I tipped my head back so he had better access to my neck.

Jonah continued to tease, pressing in just the tip and twitch his hips before pulling out again. "Please," I gasped. "Jonah, please, baby."

He thrust in halfway, slowly, tantalizingly before pulling back to the head, sending me a taunting little grin. I glared at him, though it was hard when all I wanted to do was moan.

Jonah suddenly thrust harshly into me, burying himself fully in me. My eyes rolled back and I sobbed in relief, letting the sound melt into a long moan. His sigh of pleasure reverberated over my throat and he mouthed at my sweet spot, thrusting in again as he did so.

"So fuckin' good." Jonah murmured, cutting himself off with a loud keening moan. "Fuck," he thrust in again, harder this time. "So good, so tight, fuck."

He grasped one of my hips, digging into my thigh for better leverage as he fucked into me. I nearly screamed as he heaved my other leg over his shoulder, angling his hips to hit my g-spot like he's done a thousand times before. He moaned as I clenched around him, pressure bubbling in my gut.

I found myself glancing down at where our bodies met, mesmerized by Jonah's even thrusts as he sunk into me at a steady pace. "Whatcha looking at, love?" Jonah teased, thrusting in particularly hard. "Look at you, sweetheart. Taking me so well, so tight around me."

A smirk curled his lips at the dirty words, at the look on my face. He reached down, simultaneously thumbing my clit and pressing a finger in beside his cock. That's all it took before I was fucking gone. I shrieked, arching up, clenching both my thighs and my heat around Jonah.

Jonah worked me through my climax with slow, even rolls of his hips, kissing up my jaw and running his hands down my sides. "Think you can take me one more time?"

I nodded shakily, gasping at the sensitivity as Jonah flipped me over so I was on my hands and knees without pulling out.

He gripped my hips, kissing up and down my spine as he moved his hips tentatively, almost as if asking permission.

"Ye-yes," I gasped, moving back into him as I laid my chest on the cushions, my spine arching in a sensual line.

Jonah wasted no time before he was plowing into me again, sliding me up the couch with the roughness of his movements. I moaned, the sound sticking in my throat as Jonah's hand went up to clasp my hair, pulling it harshly, moaning the whole time.

"Fuck Jo, choke me," I moaned. He'd known of this particular kink for a while, but we'd only ever done it once.

I could almost feel his smirk as he bucked his hips up, my legs shaking as he found my g spot again. His hand moved from my hair to my neck, gently squeezing.

He'd been so careful with me the first time, literally looking up how to do it properly before letting us carry on with anything.

I moaned loudly now, loving the constant pressure on my neck along with his girth consistently pounding into me. Jonah hissed behind me, snapping his hips harshly and I knew he was close.

I let go with a scream, clenching on him to allow him to follow me.

He filled me, pulling out and collapsing next to my sweaty body, a sexy grin on his face.


I think I might put this book on hold for a little while to focus on my other books. Honestly, I'm just really unmotivated to write gxb things and I've run out of prewritten chapters. Thanks for understanding :)

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