3. First Time

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Warnings: Smut

Jonah's hands fiddled with the bottom of my shirt before slipping underneath, sliding up my back in soft, loving strokes. "Y/N, baby." he moaned out as I pulled at his hair slightly. His tongue slid into my mouth and I groaned, tearing off my shirt before guiding his hands to the waistband of my leggings.

Jonah tore himself away to look into my eyes. "Y/N?"

"I want this. I want you, Jo." I whispered.

He pulled off his own shirt and hooked his thumbs under the waist of my pants as he steered us to the bed. The backs of my thighs hit the mattress and I fell back, bringing Jonah with me. I bucked my hips to let him take off my pants and he did, discarding them on the floor. I pulled my hands from his hair to fumble at his pants.

Jonah quickly undid them and threw them off, along with his boxers. He undid the clasp on my bra and looked at me again. I nodded. He pulled it off and did the same with my panties. Jonah's lips found my neck, licking and sucking up to my jaw and back. He found my sweet spot and I moaned. He sucked it again and I gasped out a flimsy "yes".

I flinched as Jonah's member grazed my entrance. "Y/N. We really don't have to do this. I don't want to pressure you into something you don't want."

I cut him off with a passionate kiss. "It's okay, Jonah."

"It's gonna hurt. You might even bleed. Just tell me if you want to stop and I will, no questions asked. Okay?"

I nodded.

Jonah opened a condom I didn't know he had with his teeth and put it on. I took a deep breath and snaked my hands around his waist. "Good. Hold me. Dig your fingers in if you need. Do whatever you want. Just tell me if I'm hurting you too much." I nodded and Jonah kissed me softly as he pressed his tip into me. I flinched but urged him on. He pushed in with slow rolls of his hips, kissing up my jaw until he was seated fully inside me. I gave a sound halfway between a sob and a gasp as a tear slipped out and I clutched at his back.

Jonah kissed away my tears. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "Do you want to stop?"

"No," I managed. "Just stay there for a second. Okay. Just go gently."

I dug in my nails as Jonah started moving in me slowly and some sort of pressure started ratcheting up. I made a sound like a whine. Jonah froze. "Oh my god. Oh my god. I'm so sorry, Y/N. I didn't-"

I cut him off with a kiss. "No, no, no. It feels good. Just go."

He still looked worried but continued his ministrations. The pain faded and was replaced by waves of pleasure. I moaned out my boyfriend's name and he looked relieved. He kissed me gently as he started speeding up, causing more moans to fall from my lips. "Jonah!" I let out as he hit some deep spot within me.

"Like that?" Jonah asked, smirking a little.

I responded with another moan as he repeated his action. "Oh god! Oh Jonah, faster."

He sped up even more, fuelling the tightness ratcheting up inside me. I clenched around him and he groaned deeply. "Do that again." he breathed.

I did and he shuddered before thrusting in deep again, hitting that spot again. I gasped and fell apart around him, clenching in a way that had him following me.


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