2. Welcome Home

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Warnings: smut

Jack's PoV

I set down my suitcase at the front door, placing my guitar case next to it. My whole body seemed to ache for her. I took a deep, steadying breath and rung the doorbell. It was technically both of our apartment but this was just something I always did after I got off tour.

The door was flung open and my breath caught in my throat.

Y/n stood in front of me, her beautiful smile seeming even more gorgeous than last time I'd seen it. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she was wearing one of my old hoodies but I swear she'd never looked better.

I scooped her up, running my hands up and down her back as I kissed every inch of her face. "I missed you." She mumbled. My hands supported under her thighs and found her wearing nothing but scraps of lace and thigh highs under the hoodie. I gave her a wicked smile.

"I missed you y/n. I missed every single inch of you." I scanned her face, taking her in before we both leaned in, locking our lips together gently.

We eventually parted, smiling at each other.

"C'mon. Let's get you inside." Y/n said. "I have a little surprise for you..." She trailed off, teasingly nibbling at my ear before breathing her next words so hushed that it tickled. "In our bedroom." She finished by rocking her hips toward me ever so slightly.

"Sounds good, babygirl," I replied huskily, already feeling the strain in my tight jeans.

Y/n picked up my suitcase -knowing I hated when other people handled my guitar- and added an extra little sway to her hips as she retreated into our apartment, me following eagerly after her.

She deposited my suitcase next to the couch and I followed suit, placing my guitar on the cushions before hurrying behind her.

When I got into the room, y/n smirked at me, teasingly pulling up the sweatshirt to show her barely-there white lace panties and pale thigh-highs. I swallowed thickly, my eyes tracking her movements. She eventually threw the sweatshirt off, revealing a lacy white lace bra covering her chest. While it was more concealing than a lot of lingerie I'd seen her wear, it still made my mouth dry.

Y/n walked to me, tracing her fingers over my chest. My breath hitched as she flicked the button on my pants before trailing up my shirt. She stopped, considering for a second before I got impatient and pulled the shirt off, casting it to the floor.

"So impatient," y/n cooed, walking behind me and wrapping her arms around me. Her hand slipped down to my waist, tracing my v-line, making me shudder. She stood on tiptoe, taking my earlobe between her teeth. My breath hitched and I could feel y/n's smirk.

She suddenly moved her hand to wrap around my length through my jeans and I gasped, groaning breathily. Y/n tugged on my earlobe, releasing it to kiss up my neck as she palmed me through my jeans.

I reached my arms around to grab her but she just tutted and pulled her hand away, making me whine. "I'm in charge tonight, love."

I dropped my arms reluctantly. Y/n's hand found my length again and I almost choked. She popped open the button and palmed me over my boxers, eliciting deep groans from me.

Y/n slipped around to the front of me and guided me to sit on the edge of the bed. She dropped to her knees and removed my shoes and socks before pulling off my jeans. She dropped them on the floor, standing up.

"Get onto the middle of the bed." She decided after some consideration.

I did and y/n pushed me to be laying back on the pillows before moving to kneel between my thighs. I closed my eyes as she leaned down, moaning deeply when her lips met my clothed length. "Baby," I moaned, bucking my hips.

Y/n giggled and pressed a soft kiss to me. "Patience, my love."

I groaned in frustration, letting y/n hook her fingers into the waistband of my Calvin Kleins. She pulled them down teasingly slow, kissing up and down my v-line. I moaned as my hard-on was finally released.

A smirk settled onto y/n's full lips as she surveyed my naked body. She leaned down, pressing kisses up and down my length. I moaned heavily, almost begging now.

"You really want this?" Y/n teased.

"Yes." I gasped.

She smirked even more. "What do you want."

"Your mouth. Your lips. Your tongue."

My eyes remained locked with y/n's as she held me to her mouth, pressing a kiss to my tip. I threw my head back, grappling the sheets as she finally took me into her mouth. She took her time guiding her mouth along my length. Her tongue pressed against a spot just under the ridge of my tip and I cried out, struggling against the urge to rut into her.

Y/n giggled around me and I swear I could've come just from that.

She came off me with a pop and I groaned at the loss. Immediately though, I was rewarded with something maybe even better. Y/n straddled my waist and I jerked up, surprised. She grinned as her fingers snaked around to her back and unclasped her bra, tossing the lace away.

My breath hitched at the sight of her breasts and I looked at her with pleading eyes. She smiled and nodded and I cupped her breasts with my hands, almost moaning at the feeling.

Y/n's hips lifted and I felt her thigh-highs and panties being removed before she reached between us and positioned me. I opened my eyes and placed my hands on her hips as she cupped my cheek with a hand. She sank down.

I missed this. This connection, this feeling of being as close as two people could possibly be. I'd missed her tight, wet warmth around me, but more than that, I'd missed her smile, her eyes, her laugh, her being.

And then I was crying, we were both crying and she was moving, her lips meeting mine, our mouths forming words like never again when we knew that this couldn't last forever.

Y/n leaned forward and whispered into my neck, "Welcome home, baby boy."

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