6. Accidental

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Warnings: Smut

Just letting you know, this absolutely SUCKS so be warned :')

My eyes flicked up as Jonah Roth Frantzich walked by me. He shot me a friendly, polite smile and my cheeks flushed with color.

He'd been my crush since I started at a new school at the beginning of the year. He'd been the one to show me around when I got lost before the second block. Since then, he had always been friendly, if somewhat reserved.

We'd been friends of a sort for a while but when I realized that my feelings went further than a simple crush and I started getting panicky around him, I distanced myself.

Parties were not my thing. Let's get that straight. But when a girl in my science class had mentioned it to me, I'd agreed for some reason. Especially when it had been brought up that it was at Jonah's house.

So here I was on a couch in somebody's living room, drinking a can of ginger ale.

I checked my phone again. My dad had been more than happy to let me out as long as I was safe and told him if I was staying the night, which I would most certainly not be.

I sighed and walked in the direction of the kitchen in search of another drink, or a distraction.

I wove through the crowd, using my small stature to my advantage. Somebody's hand came down on my shoulder. "Y/n, hey." I looked up to see Jonah who was smiling sweetly.

"Jonah," I started, clearing my throat when my voice came out quiet and husky. "Hey."

"So, you liking the party so far?" He bit his lip slightly and I temporarily forgot how to breathe.

"Um," I managed. "Parties aren't really my thing."

"Honestly, me either. I'm just here because my sister asked me not to hide out in my room."

Whatever response I had was cut off when somebody crashed into me from behind. I gasped, falling into a startled Jonah. In my scramble to grab onto something, my hand pressed against the center of Jonah's hips. His friend.

I gasped and snatched my hand back. Jonah steadied me with hands on my upper arms. Both our faces flushed with color. Jonah's chest heaved up, and his plush lips open in a startled "O".

I pulled myself out of his grip and started spewing apologies. My eyes pricked with tears. Everything ruined, after one stupid stumble. That was my chance with this boy, down the drain.

But when Jonah raised his eyes to mine, they were dark and hungry. My breath caught in my throat.

"Fuck," he mumbled. "I'm gonna regret this aren't I?"

I started to question him but I was cut off by a plush, soft pressure on my lips. Jonah's face was so close to mine. His eyes were closed and his brows furrowed. His hands were twined in my hair.

I froze. My body was rigid and electric where he was pressed against me. My hands dropped to my sides the can dropping to the floor. My mouth fell open and Jonah suddenly pulled back.

"Fuck," he muttered, running his hands through his hair. "I'm so sorry. It was just an impulse decision."

I took a deep breath and stepped up to him, trying to ignore the frantic skitter of my heart. I rose up on my toes and screwed up my eyes before pressing my lips to his.

His response was immediate. His arms wrapped around me and into my hair and he pressed closer to me, deepening the kiss ever so slightly. I opened under his touch and his tongue swept in. I gasped at the feeling and grabbed onto his t-shirt to steady myself.

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