8. Care to Join Me

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Warning: Dani being a cute lil bean (a rather horny one but still uwu)

"Hey!" I glanced up from my book as Daniel's cute face appeared in the doorway of our room.

I smiled. "Hey," I tossed my book to the foot of the bed and opened my arms for Dani, who padded across the room and gladly jumped on to the bed, snuggling into my chest. "What's up baby boy?"

My boyfriend grinned up at me innocently, gently squeezing my sides. I pulled one hand into his hair, playing with the soft strands.

"Do you want to take a bubble bath?"

I blinked in surprise, a playful smirk curling my lips. "And what exactly," I mused. "would happen in this bubble bath of yours?"

Daniel's plush lips quirked up rather sinfully. "What would you like to happen?" He demanded in a low, husky voice.

I trailed my fingers up Daniel's arm, creeping into his sleeve slightly before dancing back down to his own hands. "Nothing... naughty, I suppose."

"I guess you'll just have to find out."

Daniel pulled himself away from me and slipped into our bathroom. I didn't miss the tightness in his pants.


The tap finally turned off, the smell of vanilla already scenting the warm air. I slipped out of bed, pulling off Daniel's shirt that I'd worn, revealing my lacy, blush pink lingerie set, Dani's favorite.

Daniel's shirt was already off when I stepped into the room. He was casting off his belt and sent me a smirk, his eyes frosting with lust. They traveled slowly up and down my body, catching ever so slightly on my curves.

I stepped closer to him and trailed my hands over his hips. He pulled me closer and brought our lips together. His tongue traced over my bottom lip and I snapped at it teasingly before opening for him.

My hand slipped from his hip and curled around his front, placed directly on his unmistakable bulge. I stroked him slowly and he moaned against my lips, fingers dipping into the band of my bra. He palmed my breast, his cold fingers coaxing my nipple to stiffen. I curved into his touch, my hand faltering, making him whimper softly.

I pulled away teasingly, turning and bending over to pull my hair into a messy bun. Daniel took this opportunity to nestle his erection right against my ass, rutting against me. I giggled, pressing my back to his bare chest, planting my fingers in his already messy hair.

Daniel's hands skimmed up my body, climbing like vines until they reached the band of my bra and unhurriedly unclasped it, letting it fall down my arms. He cupped my breasts briefly before brushing down my torso and playing with the lace of my panties.

I let him dip his forefingers into the waistline without complaint, a smirk tugging at my lips as he gave a quick pull and the intimates slid down my legs, pooling on the floor before I kicked them away. I pushed my ass back against him, shooting him a simpering smile. "Rather overdressed, aren't you, Dani?"

He moaned at the contact, at the name.

Daniel fumbled at the buttons of his pants, huffing in frustration. I tried to keep in a smile at the cute look of annoyance on his face. My hands closed over his and I popped his button easily, quickly shoving the jeans down his legs.

I locked eyes with my boyfriend and moved my hands to cup his cheeks. He glanced to my lips, a look of softness in his eyes that I just melted over. I pressed our lips together carefully, letting this moment of gentleness consume me.

I could feel Dani kicking off his pants, feel his length spring up between us as he did the same for his briefs.

I slung my thighs around his hips and wrapped my legs around his waist, letting out a muffled moan as his length pressed against my heat. We moved into the tub, Daniel sitting down and pulling me to straddle him. The hot water sloshed over my lower back as I moved, placing my hands to either side of his head and raised my hips over his, sinking down onto him.

We both let out moans of relief at the contact, Dani's fingers digging slightly into my hips. I tipped my head back and arched my spine. "Fu-fuck," I gasped, my hands making fists.

Daniel moved so he could leave trails of open-mouthed kisses over my collarbones. He let out husky moans in the gaps between them, his mouth hot against my skin.

I continued moving my hips in slow, deliberate movements, letting the pleasure take over.

I shifted slightly and let out a breathy keen at the new sensation. Daniel bucked his hips slightly and bubbles crept further up my back.

"So good," Daniel moaned, stroking my sides. "Oh my god, you feel so nice."

"I wish I could say the same," I teased, grinning tauntingly.

Daniel bucked his hips up and slapped my ass lightly, making me rock into him. I moaned, leaning down to kiss him. "Right. Toning down the cockiness." I mumbled with a sharp, gasping laugh.

I felt that slow burn of fire lace through my veins and dug my fingers into Dani's damp hair to anchor me as I felt that almost lightheaded feeling creep over me.

My legs went numb with pleasure as that wave of pleasure hit me all at once, sending me into a spiral of sensation. My thighs trembled around Dani's slim hips. "Dani, Dani, Dani," I gasped. "Oh my fuck."

Daniel started moving me slowly. "You okay, love?"

I nodded numbly, barely able to focus. The sensitivity ratcheted up inside me so I wasn't able to feel anything except this absolute bliss.

Daniel's hips started bucking almost sporadically and I could feel him twitching. I leaned down and tugged at his earlobe with my teeth, making him shiver. "Come on Daniel. Give it to me."

He leaned into me, burying his face in the crook of my neck as he spilled into me. "Y/n," he moaned softly, his movements slowing.

I pressed a kiss to the top of his head, running my fingers through his hair. He snuggled into my chest more, letting out a sigh that sent shivers running through me. "You wanna get out and cuddle?"

"Only if I get to fall asleep," I smiled.


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