9. Burnt

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Warnings: smut

I hummed along to the song coming from my speakers, flipping pancakes as I did. Jonah's oversized t-shirt swished around my thighs and I knew that my lacy pink thong was showing. A smirk made its way onto my lips as I caught a glimpse of Jonah from the corner of my eye. He was standing in the kitchen doorway, lazy grin on his lips, sweats hanging low over his hips, making it far too easy to see his prominent bulge.

"Good morning, baby boy." I cooed, prancing up to Jonah to lay a peck on his cheek before turning back to my pancakes.

"Such a fuckin' tease," Jonah said huskily. He prowled up to me and lifted up my shirt to grab my ass. Then he pressed himself to me, driving his hips up a little.

His hands traced around to my stomach and one of his hands slipped into my panties. He traced his middle finger over me and leaned forward so he could suck at my neck. I gasped, my head falling back on his shoulder.

"B-baby," I managed. "The pancakes are going to burn."

"Fuck the pancakes."

I pulled myself away from him and looked him in the eye. "Fuck me."

Jonah's eyes flashed and before I even knew what was happening, my panties were on the floor and I was being lifted onto a counter. Jonah pushed me to lie flat back on it and there was fumbling around his crotch before he pushed into me.

My eyes rolled back in my head and I moaned almost gutturally. Jonah started thrusting, building up a steady, relentless pace that had my legs quivering and my back arched.

Jonah kissed up and down my neck, finding my breasts as he held onto my hips for leverage to thrust harder into me. "Fuck," he moaned. "So tight, so fuckin' tight babygirl. So fuckin' good."

He brought one of my legs up and hooked it over his shoulder. With the new angle, he found my g-spot right away. I screamed in pleasure, throwing my head back. I reached wildly for something to grab onto. One of my hands twined in his hair and the other rested on his upper back, trying not to dig in my nails too much.

Jonah bit his lip. "Fuck, I'm going to come."

He pressed his thumb to my clit and I clenched around him, sending him off the edge. He thrust through his high, thumbing my clit in a way that had me collapsing around him.

He pulled out slowly, admiring the way I took him.

I wrinkled my nose. "Damn you and your infernal cock. You made me burn my pancakes."

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