13. Officer (bxb)

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Kind of short but I thought it was cute enough :)

The usual nervousness bubbled inside of me as I took the elevator up to the uniformed officers' floor. I was always nervous to come here. Even though Corbyn told me time and time again that all of his coworkers were open and accepting of their relationship, there was that slight doubt inside me. I'd grown up being told that being gay was a sin and conditioned to hide myself. That was a problem with Corbyn as he loved PDA, loved showing me off, loved declaring to the world that I was taken. But after nearly four years I'd slowly opened up to the world.

There were still times where I'd hesitate to grab Corbyn's hand in public or look around paranoid when he kissed my cheek. But I was getting better.

The elevator dinged and I stepped out, immediately locating Corbyn's fluffy blond hair. "Hey, y/n," Corbyn's deskmate, Royce, greeted as I approached.

I smiled and gave a little wave. "Hi."

Corbyn turned around and broke into a smile, stress melting off his face as he took me in. "Hey, baby." He wrapped his arms around me, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Hi, Corbs," I smiled at him. "Ready to go?"

Corbyn's car was in the shop for the week so I'd offered to drive him around and pick him up from work.

He scooped up his bag and his jacket and nodded. "See you tomorrow, Royce."

"Tomorrow, Besson."

We walked out together, me a blushing mess as Corbyn wrapped his arm around me, kissing my hair once we were in the elevator. The LA air was surprisingly cool and I snuggled up to Corbyn's side in the brief walk to the car. Corbyn leaned over the center console to kiss me, hand curling around my cheek and tangling in my hair. I smiled against his lips, resting our foreheads together once we separated. "I missed you, baby," Corbyn murmured, thumb stroking my cheekbone.

I joined our lips again briefly, my hand finding its way to his shoulder. "I missed you too, Corbs."

"I love you, baby. Thank you for picking me up."

"No problem. I love you too."

𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐰𝐞 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now