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No one has ever thought about what happens to people afterthey face something terrible. Something terrible happened to my family. Five years ago a horror came into our house. My family met a real demon. The pries saved us but my mother still living in horror. We had to change lots of house so as mom would feel safe but everything is worthless as we still have a fear when we hear strange sounds at night. My sister and i try to overcome this. We made lots of new friends and changes lots of schools. We try to live a normal life but sometimes we have to run and this our next time to move into a new house...


Before moving into a new house mom called the priest for him to clean our house. My sister, me and my dad stad quietly in the doorway and watch in silence the show. It seems so strange that mom cant overcome the horrors that happened to us five years ago. Dad got a promotion and he decided to move us into a new house, a big old mension. He decided that it was the best option for a family of five. There are three girls in our family. Mom still wants a son but unforunately she gives birth just to girls. I have an older sister Katherine and a younger one Magrarette. Katherine is 18, she is a year older than me and Margo is 10. We all look quite alike and when people see me and Kate they think that we are twins but the fact that hse has long brown curly hair whereas my hair is fair and i dont grow it longer than waist. Most of the time i cut it a bit higher than my breasts. Well, i grew till waist and i think i need my hair cut.

By the time the priest has finished his mystery and my parents were paying him.

'So girls, this our new house!' says mom and stands righ into the middle of the hall that leads to the living-room and kitchen from the other side.

'Another one,' says Kate sarcastically and goes out to grab her things. Kate has always been edgy. Well, i dont mean she dresses edgy but she is the one who can tell off our parents.

I decide to follow Kate but turn for a second to look at mom. She covers her mouth and dad is comforting her. She is about to cry. I cant say that we are the best daughters ever but my sister sometimes is too rude to our mom.

'Everytime she says the same words and gives us a hope that this is one is gonna be our house for life but then she freaks out and we have to move. Geez, why dad just cant find her a good therapist?!' I hear my sister murmur as i come up to the lorry to grab my staff.

'Kate, calm down, this is your last year anyway,' i say.

'Yeah, i'm looking forward to move out for good and forget this crazy woman.'

We take our packages to the second floor where mom and dad let us have bedrooms. We are the only ones who will be sleeping upstairs. Mom and dad chose themselves a bedroom on the firstfloor and Margo will have to live downstairs too but there are still two free rooms on the second floor.

After having brought up some heavy stuff i fecide to have a rest. I go to !y sistet's room and find her liyimg on her bed with her iphone in her hands.

'Why dont you unpack?' i ask.

'Dont wanna,' she says and then sits crosding her legs. 'Let's go out. I need some fresh air.' She gets up and grabs my wrist leading me downstairs. I see that our parents are still busy.

'We should stop unpacking first,'i muble.

'Come on, Jo. Relax. They are the ones who brougjt us here so they are the one to unpack,' Kate stos and looks me into eyes. We are bothof the sameheigt but my sister is thicc whereas i hae a normal figure, something betwen slim and curvy.

I sigh and roll my eyes. Kate smiles and leads me to her car. We have to cars in hour family – my parents' volvo and Kate's RangeRover. I can drive, i have a licence but when it was time for my parents to buy me a car mom freaked out and here we are.

What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now