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I tried to make it scary. I hope you'll like it. Read, vote, share and recommend. Thank you for reading and voting.

I knew people would talk about the fight next morning but i didnt think i would be the part of the story. As i was walking corridors everyone was just talkimg and whispering about Austin and Hero figjt over me and that i left with Austin and Hero got really drunk. Hero... i wonder how he spent his night. I didnt hear Kate come back last night so i guess they spent it together.

I put my stuff in the locker and almost freak out when i see Zach as i close the door.

'Fuck! You got scared me!' i say.

'Sorry, girl,' says Zach with a smile. 'So you are a star now.'

'What do you mean?' i ask and frown as he walks with me. I walk past Hero. As he sees me he closes his locker with a loud bam and turns his back to me.

'Everyone is talking about you and Austin and Hero,' Zach explains. 'They say that they had a fight over you.'

'What?' High school is worse than pappaazzis. I stop and look at the boy.

'Everyone thinks you were the cause of the fight.'

'God! No! I just tried to stop them,' i say and continue my walk.

'Well, everyone thinks other way.'

'I dont give a damn what they think about me.' And it's true. I have always been growing as a self-confident young girl. I never worry about people's opinion. They dont live my life and their stupid gossips wont ruin it.

'And why are they talking about me? Why arent they talking about you and Emie. I thought you hated each other.' I decide to switch the topic. I dont like to be in the center of attention

'Uhm, well, we dont. We dont date or anything. Sometimes we just mess around,' says Zach and i can tell that he blushes right now. I dont turn around to se if Zach is folowwing me. I k ow he is right behind me. But in two see conds of my silence he disappears. I walk slowly to my first period.

The cafeteria ia crowded again. I spot Mercy and other girls and go straigh ahead. They dont mind me joining them and they actuall are smiling at me. On my way to the table i spot Hero too. He is leaving. There are lots of bruises and scratches on his face . His face expression tells that he is mad. He walk out as i sit at the table.

'Here is our queen!' sings Stassie. So everyone knows.

'Oh, shut up, please!'i bark putting my tray on the table. 'Nothing happened. They were fighting over some other girl and i just tried to stop them. That's all.'

'Uhh, someone's in a bad mood,' says Emie. I wanna remind her about me finding her on the top of Zach but then i change my mind.

'Guys, dont be such bitches,' says Mercy. Well, i guess that's why it is her name.

'Dont be such a Mother Theressa,' snaps Stassie and shows her friend a tongue. Mercy rolls her eyes.

'Anyway, what about watching horrors tonight?' Emie changes the topic. I'm glad because i dont wanna watch them argue and then loose my only friends here.

'Horros? It's not Haloween'says Zach and puts a huge spoon of peas into hia mouth.

'No asks you to come,' snaps Stassie. She is so rude to Zach. I wonder if he will sit at the other table after her words but he smiles wickedly and continues his lunch.

'I'm in,' says Mercy.

'Great,' says Emie and turns her head to Stassie. The blonde girl nods and then Emie looks at me.

What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now