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The next morning i wake up i run downstairs to check Hero's car presence. When i see it i breathe out in relief. He is here but where was he last night? Last night when i didnt see Hero's car i called Mercy. I asked her if Hero was at home but she said no. She told me not to worry because he could go to the bar or something and promised that he would be back at home by the morning. She gave me his number but i didnt have much courage to call him. I go back to my room under curious eyes of my parents. I dont care what they think i can only think about Hero.

Kate takes me to school and i dont see her since. The first thing i do is finding Hero or Mercy. I see him in the corridor talking to some guy. I come closer and stand watching them and wating for Hero to notice me. His eyes spot me immediately. He says something to his friend and walks up to me.

'Hey,' he says.

'Hey,' i say and decide not to wait longer 'Where did you go last night? You know after i went home.'

He tenses and licks him lips but answers 'Friends invited me out. I needed to relax.'


Next we here the bell ring, which means that we have to go to our classes.

'See you at lunch,' Hero says and i nod. He is the same but something bothers me.

I try to focus on the knowledge teachers try to give us and it works.

I meet Mercy in the corridor and we go to the cafeteria together. While standing in the line i spot Hero sitting with his friends again. I see Kate next to him and i wanna cry. She is not leaning into him but she is quite close. The company are laughing and i'm watching Hero smirking and smiling all the time.

'Hey, move!' someone behind me says to me. I blink a bit and buy two bottles of yoghurt. I dont have apetite any longer. As Mercy and i are walking to our table Mercy whispers 'Dont worry. They are just in the same class in English. He doesnt see her in secret. He is still your boyfriend.' She winks at the end and takes a seat.

'So what? Are we visiting your neighbours after school?' asks Zach. He is almost spreading enthusiasm.

'I think so, if Jo doesnt have any plans,' says Mercy and i can feel everyone at our table stare at me whereas i cant keep my eyes away from Hero. He doesnt look at me. He doesnt see me. His all attention is on Kate and he even touched her nose playfully.

'Yeah, sure,' i say pretty loud so girls at the table in front of us turn around and look at us. I recognise one of them. It is the blonde girl that came up to me to tell me to stay away from Austin. She smiles as i see recognision in her eyes too. Then she turns back to her friends, leans to them and tells them something. The whole group starts to laugh loudly.

'Bitches,' says Stassie. Emie rolls her eyes and says 'Zach, you are to drive us to the girls' neighbourhood. I dont wanna go there by bus.'

Zach answered something but i dont care as i went back to my watching on Heronand Kate. Suddenly they stand up and leave the table together. No one else follows them. My jealousy ovewhelmes me. I wanna run after them and shout at them, tell them off and say everything i think of them. He was just playing with me. He was so nice just last evening and now he is all back to his previous beahviour. I hate him! I hate myself for trusting. I can feel tears gather in the corners of my eyes. As i hear the bell ring i leave my table to the sounds of surprise of my friends and run to the nearest toalet. I need to be sure. When i push the door and check every booth i relax but not for long. There are still two toalets left. Tears are dropping from my eyes but i still decide to go to the class.

I dont pay much attention to the next two classes. I can only think of how stupid i was. And when my friends take me home i dont talk to them and just stare to the window.

What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now