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When i open my eyes the next morning i am alone in my bed. I raise on my elbows and look around and then find a note. It is written in fast and sharp writing.

'I didnt want to get caught as i heard ur rents check on Kate's room so i left. I'm really sorry. C u in school. Love u. Hero'

His note melts my heart and i smile. As i get up i run up to my window but i dont see Hero in his room. He must be in the kitchen or bathroom. Well, i wanna hope so.

I go down to the kitchen. No one is there but Margo.

'Where are mom and dad?' i ask her.

'Disappeared somewhere,' she answers shrugging casually. I roll my eyes and take a seat next to her.

'So do you remember last night?' i ask hoping she doesnt because then i will have to explain why Hero was in my bed to my parents.

'Not so much,' the same casual tone. 'You, mom and dad saying i was doing  something while i my dreams and then i wake up.'

'Do you remember your dream?'

'Uh, you sound like mom,' says Margo and rolls her eyes. My sister gets off the table and goes to the dishwasher. I dont see someone else.

'Where's Kate?' i ask.

'Dunno, still with her friends, obvi,' and she leaves me alone in the kitchen. I'm not surprised that Kate is still out but she always comes back home after her girls' nights. I finish my breakfast and start to prepare for the school. I dont see Kate's car and it means i will have to go by bus. I hope i wont meet Abbey. While going to the nearest school bus stop i pray for that. I dont see Hero's car too as i walk past there house. He must be driving Mercy to school.

The first period is just fine. Molly isnt sitting with me in Biology which is my first period for today and as i look around i dont see her in the class at all. I hope she is not with Hero. I hate my jealous thoughts. He is just a bit secret and it is a problem.

I walk the corridors when someone hits my back. I turn around and see two excited faces, Emie's and Zach's.

'Hey, Jo, we have some news,' says Zach smiling wide like a psycho.

'What news?' i hope they wont be talking about Hero hanging out with some other girls. I havent seen Mercy yet and i dont know how she feels about me. Our lunchbreak is soon.

'We have a new English teacher,' sings Emie.

'She is so coooool,' Zach sings too and they run past me giggling like two little kids. I notice that they are running hand in hand so i guess they arent hiding anymore. My next class is English and i walk in carefully. I see the same faces of my classmates. They are talking and laughing. I takw my usual seat and prepare for the lesson. I didnt finish reading the last book and to be hoñest i was daydrraming almost each lesson of English as the teacher was too boring and he didnt pay attention to hapenedin the class. I remember Zach saying that has a different English teacher, so now on we're gonna have the same der how this new teacher looks like. Guys said it is her. I hope she is cool but sometimes i just dont like cool teachers. They give their love to every student but you and then treat you like a shit even though they know you are pretty smart.i had such teachers in my previous school. They loced even the dumbest sudents in the class and me they called know-it-all.

And right at that moment we hear the bell and the door gets shut and all of the students in class see a gorgeous black young woman of maybe 20-something. She has a nice figure. Her face is framed with cute perfect black curles. She is walking to the center and i look at the boys in my class. Each of them is staring at her. The guy next to me whose name i still dont know pulls his tee a bit as if he was hot.

What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now