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and here is  a little surprise i have another new part for today. I have you still have time to read my story. Read, share, recommend and vote. 

Emie and Stassie kept their apologies about leaving me alone last night. I decide not to tell them about going to the bar and Hero. Hero... he said i was too good for him. Can this mean..? Does he have feelings for me too? These thoughts make me flutter and i sont pay attention to what Emie and Stassie are telling me about why they didnt reach me last night. All i think about is Hero. I wanna see him now and demand explanations but i think it will look strange and silly if i stop him in the corridor and ask to tell me how he feels about me.

Molly keeps on grinning all the biology lesson and i just have to do whatever the teachera told us. She is the worst partner ever. I wonder if i can change partners with someone else. But i think it will be hard as i am not that sociable and i'm pretty sure that most people dont know my name.

When it is time for lunch i am glad to see my feiends waiting for me. They also have Mercy by their side.

'Long seen,' she says smiling.

'Yeah,' i smile back and she gives me a hug. I dont like these stupid hugging between girls. We are friends and we dont have to express our feelings and show off. But somehow this hugs are warm and pleasant.

'Let's go to lunch,' says Stassie and we all follow her.

'You know i wanna go to that French café at the weekend,' says Stassie.

'Uhm, sorry, i'm busy at thw weekends,' says Mercy pursing her lips. She is hiding something. Is she having a date?

'Dad takes me and mom on a picnic so i cant too,' says Emie taping something in her cell. Stassie's blue ones look at me.

'Please, Jo, come with me! 'she begs. 'Plus i owe you a good time.'

I roll my eyes but what will i miss? I dont have any plans for the weekend so i can go with Stassie.

'Yeah, i'm in,' i say.

Stassie smiles and reaches across the table to hug me but she hits her breasts and she has to leave this idea.

'I'll text you the details.'

'Jeez, Stassie,'the details' sounds too official,' says Emie.

'Well, she needs to know about my outfit so we could have matching outfitsand she needs to know about the time i'll pick her up,' says Stassie.

I look around and realise that i dont see Zach with us.

'Where is Zach?' i ask.

'Oh, he got ill so he is skipping school for the rest of the week and maybe a couple of days during the next one,' says Mercy.

I havent seen Zach for a while so he is ill. I wonder if Emie has already visited him.

'And what are you up to with your parents, Mercy?' asks Stassie.

'Uhmm,' i think Mercy doesnt wanna tell us. She pauses and cant open her mouth. We look at her face and see lots of thoughts being expressed on it. 'uhmm, we are having some friends of the family have dinner with us.' She avoids our eyes and i know that she is hiding something. It's her secret and i dont wanna be nosy. I concentrate on my food whereas Stassie continiues her questions.

'Who are they?'

'Do we know them?'

'You look so sad about it.'

'Do they have a handsome son for you?' and etc. Mercy answers simply no.

'Why are you so nosy?' i hear annoyance in her Mercy's voice.

What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now