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U cant even imagine how hard it was to find this pic of Hero in jail. I used to see them everywhere but when i really needed at least one  i couldnt find any lol.

My tablet is a shit. Sorry for some mistakes. i just tap so fast to write everything i have in mind that my tablet 'help' me and writes down every word wrong:(((

Kate is lying on the sofa. Shit. She looks like a mess. But why am i so surprised? She should look bad because she was kept somewhere god only know where.

'Kate!' i shout and sit on my knees next to her. I take her hand and place a kiss on it. From the corner of my eyes i see Hero approaching us slowly.

'Where did they find you?' i ask but she doesnt answer. The one who responds me is a policeman standing near us. He managed to come up to us and i feel his silhoutte towering over me.

'We got some anonymus message. It contained only adress and we rushed there. We found her there tied up to the chair. She wasnt bleeding and we are examining her now but there are no signs of physical abuse,' says the policeman. Wow, i'm surprised with his openess.

Kate's eyes start to move out of blue. They rest on Hero and i cant help but turn around and look at my boyfriend. Their eyes are ready to kill each other. What's going on between them?

'She needs a rest now. Maybe later we will have to take her to hospital,' says a plumb nurse strictly. I has to let go her hand and stand by Hero. He starts to rub my shoulders so as to calm me down. His hands are so gentle and soft. I am thinking about asking mom if she knows someone who can make me a massage. I take on of Hero's hands in mine and interwine our fingers.

Dad finishes his talk to the policemen and joins mom and Margo who i havent seen before, the moment i entered my house i didnt notice them. I take Hero's hand and lead him to my family. He seems a bit nervous standing next to them but i squeeze his hand.

Mom is crying. I guess these tears are happy tears. Margo holds her hand. When my little sister notices me she let go off her hand and comes up to me. I hug her with my free hand. Now Hero squeezes my hand. He is so tall that while we are standing with my family his head rests on my head from time to time.

'Do you think they will find those bad people?' asks Margo in a scared high voice.

''Course,sweetie. That's their job,' i say trying to sound like an elder sister who is not scared of stupid monster under the bed.

I gaze at Kate from time to time. A detective asks her question from time to time. Sometimes she nods and sometimes i see her lips move but she never talks much. She opens her mouth and then closes it in a second or two. I think her answers are simple like yes or no. She doesnt seem shocked. She seems so calm that i am afraid what may come later, like you know in those horrors when people come back from the other side. They are calm at first but then when the dark falls they start to act crazy and creepy. I hope my sister wont become a scary shit like me.

The wating seems like ages. Mom and dad talk from time to time, we are, the youngsters, stay quiet. We dont need to talk. We feel too much pressure to open our mouthes and calm each other. I am glad Hero is still with me. In like what seems like ages detectives comes up to us and i see medical workers start to move in what seems like a panick around my sister. They touch her and and try to take her up or make her sit.

'Mr . and Mrs. Langford i need to talk to you. But not in front of your kids.i dont wanna scare them,' says the detective, a tall man with a chocolate color skin. Dad gives us a look saying with it that we wont be able to protest.i nod and pull Hero and Margo with me. We stand not far from them. My curiousity doesnt let me miss any of his words but i dont hear everything he says to my parents.

What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now