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The house seems so dark and empty

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The house seems so dark and empty. I try every switcher in the corridor but there seems to be no electricity in the house. Fuck, i dont wanna got down and do something to make electricity come back as i jave never done it in my life. I push the door into my room open and walk in. It is even darker in my room and somewhere i understand that i am not alone in my room.i spot someone on my bed. This is figure is all dark and scary. I wanna turn around and run out of the room but i cant opwn the door.

'Who are you?' i ask. The figure starts to move slowly and then gets up as slowly as the turning was. I dont see its face but this is the same figure that i had seen before.

I try to open the door but the doorknow seems to freeze. I just lean to the door and watch the figure approaching to me. It gets so close to me and i can feel its rotty smell. I close my eyes so as make the fear less.

'You will be the next,' it says in an ancient creepy voice. It sighs and to my surprise disappears like there was nothing in my room and i finally find my voice. I scream as loud and hard as possible and this how i wake up.

No one comes to save me and i guess i was screaming only in my dream.

This was all a dream. Geez, i was so scared. What the hell was that?! Why am i having a nightmare and keep seeing this strange figure in black?!

I feel so hot. I'm sweating. Geez, i need some air.

Befor getting out off my bed i look around trying to find something or someone in my room.it seems quite empty – my table, a chair, a closet and some boxes on the floor. I'm too lazy to unpack the rest. I come up to the window and open it. My eyes stop for a moment on the opposite window. I see little blue light in Hero's room. It must be from his cell or laptop. I wonder if he is alone and if my sister is in her room. I decide to check on her. I open the door a bit slowly for me as i'm a choleric. I'm still scared to stuck in my dream. I open the door and look into the corridor. It seems empty. I walk on my tiptoes to my sister's room and try to opne it quietly. When i push it open and look inside i see my sister in her bed fast asleep. I breathe out and walk back to my room. I walk to the window. I can still see the blue light in his bedroom. I wish i could text him right now and tell him about my nightmare. Fuck! I want him to be my boyfriend. I know it's not possible. I go back to my bed and get in. Somehow i manage to fall asleep.

The next morning is rainy when i open my eyes. I get downstairs to see everyone is already being fully dressed-up.

'I heard some screams last night,' i hear Kate's voice.' Were you watching horror movies again, sis?' and now i can see a playful smirk on her lips.

'Shut up, Kate,' somewtimes i just hate her. I eat my flakes and then go to the bathroom to wash my face.

I didnt pay much attention if Hero touched anything in here. Everything stands in its places. I'm disappointed. I thought he would make a little research about me. Like what i use. When i get out the rain seems even heavier. Well, at least wont make me go out. I put on jeans and a pink top and then i hear a knock on my door.

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