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Hero's arms are wrapped around me. His grip is so tight that it is hard to breathe. We get into the house and i see only darkness and a bunch of people. Some of them are sitting in the sofas and armchairs, others are standing or sitting on the floor. I see a star on the floor right in front of the window i was looking through. I see lots of candles and other strange stuff. We fallow Austin and thwn others spot me too.

'Well-well, look who's here!' says Molly laughing. Abbey joins her the next second and crosses her arms over her chest.

'Why is she here?' she asks Austin. She looks annoyed by my presence.

'Well, the girl wanted a show, i assume, and we can give it to her,' says Austin smirking and turning his head to me to see my reaction to his words.

'What are you doing here, guys?' i take courage and ask. My voice is shaky and too high, more like a squel. 'Are you partying? Or preparing this house for a party?' i try to sound more confident.

'Haha,' -laughs Austin and comes upto me. I feel his nasty hand on my cheek. I dont like his touch. Something scares me about him. Something that i havent noticed before. Hero pulls me closer to him so i can feel his body. He is shaking too.

'You can call it a party,' says Austin.

'Dont touch her!' roars Hero.

Austin chuckles 'Okay, she is yours. I can have other girls,' he says and walks away. He comes up to mad Abbey. She doesnt calm down and is still trying to kill me with her eyes.

'So let's start,' announces Austin. Everyone gets up and walks up to the star. Hero pushes me gently to walk too. My legs are as shaky as my voice and the pain in my ankle doesnt help much.

So we are all standing around this star. It reminds some teenage horror where kids decided to call a demon. I dont like horrors. I dont watch them much, just from time to time. I dont need to watch them as i lived through my own horror movie. I dont like this whole situation even more when i see Austin take up and ooen some book. He finds the right page or chaper or whatever he needs and starts to read in a language that is not English or French or Spanish. Is it Latin that i hear? Goosebumps on my skin grow bigger. I press closer to Hero so i can not only his body slightly but feel his muscules. He is still keeping me in a tight grip. When the candles start to ahine brighter and the flame from them got higher i freaked out 'What's happenig here?' i demand breaking Hero's tight grip on me.

'We are kinda having our annual club meeting here,' says Austin lazyly. 'You decided to join us so we appreciate this and show you some of our stuff.'

'I didnt decide to join. You forced me to come!' i bark.

'But you were there outside, with Hero,' Austin grits. I gasp as he looks more like an evil spirit than a teenager. I can see red flame in his perfect blue eyes.

'I called her,' suddenly says Hero. Everyone turns their heads to him and their faces express surprise and disbelief. 'Yeah, i called her to come and meet me here. We needed to talk. She saw me coming and tried to give me a sign to go outside,' he lies.

'How romantic!' insults Abbey. 'Are we continuing or not? I'm bored.'

'I'm not taking part in this,' i insist and go to the door before anyone can stop me. To my surprise no one didnt but Hero. I go outside and right to the car when i hear his voice.

'Jo, wait!'

I turn around and look at him as furious as possible.

'What, Hero? What was that? What the hell were you doing there? Are you satanists or something?'i demand.

What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now