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'What the fuck have you done to him?' Abbey shouts furiously. 'You're lucky he is still alive!' she places his arm around her shoulders and pulls him to her car. I would never think that such a slim girl can carry her own brother. She gets him in the car and drives away as suddenly as she appeared.

'We need to get the fuck out of here before she calls cops,' says Stassie and everyone nods. Suddenly everyone is back to normal and can think staright. Emie, Zach and Stassie get into Zach's car, whereas me, Hero and Mercy get in Hero's. He drives so fast that i am scared of a car crush.

'Mercy, what were you thinking?! Are you out of your mind?! And if you would have killled him?!' Hero shouts the whole road home.

'i'm sorry, okay?! I wasnt thinking!' she shouts back. I'm sitting in the front seat and i think that if Mercy were sitting there instead of me and i was in the back seat, Hero would have killed his sister. When he parks in front of their house, Mercy runs off the car and runs staright there.

'We havent finished!' Hero shouts as she slams the front door. I get off the car too and come up to Hero.

'See ya tomorrow, okay?' he says getnly. We say goodbyes and go each to our houses. I have already missed dinner and i dont feel hungry, to be honest, so i just head to my room and lie on back for a little while. Whwn i force myself to get up i relise that it is almost 10 a.m. I curse and start to do my homework. Another sleepless night is waiting for me. Tiredness helps to forget about fears sometimes. I dont see light in Hero's window for long. He comes back to his room when it is slightly after midnight. He spots my stare and waves me shyly. Then i hear his call. We talk till i dont finish my homework. He forced himself to do Maths and English but he couldnt finish the rest. This night i fall alseep with my ear pressed to my cell.

Hero is waiting for me when i get out of my house in the morning. Mercy doesnt go to school with us. When i ask him about her absence,Hero shruggs and says that she went to school with Stassie, Emie and Zach. He also said that he and Mercy had had a terrible fight the previous night ao she might be a bit pissed of now. I dont ask about the fight as i know what it was over. I remember yesterday and start to shiver. I hope Abbey didnt tell the police and Aiden is fine. I dont know what got into Mercy, myself. It seemed like she was under the devil's influence. Maybe the board and my house influenced her.

'You think everything will be fine?' i ask Hero as we get closer to school.

'Dunno. Did Kate say anything to you?'

I shake my head. I havent seen her since yesterday, actually. I thought she was grounded or maybe i was too tired to pay attention to her presence.

Hero parks in the parking-lot and turns his head to look at me.

'Ready?' he asks and i dont understand why he asked me this question. But it's only at first. As i follow his look i see my sister, Ausin, Abbey and her brother. I gasp and feel panic cover my whole body like a blanket.

'Do you think they're talking about us?' i ask with a shaky voice.

'Nah,' Hero seems to be quite positive.'If they were talking about us, they wouldnt be smiling. And plus they saw us so they arent talking about us. And another plus Aiden doesnt speak about such things.'

I know he is trying to calm me but my mind seems like in no mood to listen to him. We get out of the car, Hero takes my head and whispers into my ear that everything will be fine. We walk past his ex-friends and my legs and the whole body are shaking as if it were cold winter like they have in Alaska.

Lately in the cafeteria Emie tells us about the same feeling of fear when she met Austin and his friends in the corridor.

'They werent even looking at me! But this feeling... was really scared,' she says and shivers a little, from fear i guess.

What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now