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5 years ago

'These boxes are heavy!' Kate exclaims and puts her box down onnthe floor without asking if there is anything important there.

'Oh, honey be careful!' says mom but Kate rolls her eyes and goes out to grab another box. I roll my eyes too but do what i was said in piece and quiet. I'm pretty tired by now. And as soon as i finish my task i can go to bed.

Dad decided that our family needed a new house. A big house so he bought us an old mension. We were all thrilled moving but we never thought about the conciquences of moving out and then in. I have never thought that we had so many things.

'I loved our home. Why do we have to move?!' murmurs Kate. I dont blame her. I love stability too. I thought that my first moving-in would be when it was time to go to college and not now when i'm 12.

When we finish moving boxes to the house and unpacking some of them dad orders a three big pizzas and as he hasnt turned on electricity and yet we have to eat in a small circle at the kitchen table sitting around a small aeoma candle like in old movies about old times. We play monopoly after our snall dinner and then go everyone to their bedrooms. Kate's and mine are on the same floor. Mom and dad thought that we would love some privacy. I would but not in such a huge house. We dont even know how many rooms are here. And besides i feel something strange about the house sicne we moved in. It makes me shudder and walking in the night along the corridors as a thought makes my heart drop. When i go to bed i see someone in my room but i dont pay attention as it can be a shadow from anything. But when it starts to move towards me i get really scared. I hide under my blanket and somehow manage to fall asleep.

'Did you see anything strange?' i ask everyone during the breakfast next morning. My parents give a stare like they were considering to put me into asylium or let me stay at home.

'Nothing,' i mumble and wait for mum to put my breakfast in front of me.

'And what did you ßee,Josephine?' asks my dad putting awa his cell phone. He crosses his hands and now i understand why it is a great pressure to grow up with both parents doctors. They always consider me as one of their patients.

'I just saw a shadow in my room. But it was nothing, maybe a shadow from trees,' i say avoiding his eyes. The worst option would be if i didnt tell them. The policy of my family is simple - be honest and tell everything.

'Yeah, babe, it must have reall6 been a tree shadow,' says mom and places a kiss on my head.

When we went shopping Kate and i forced momminto buying us a quidja board. We played it the next evening. The planchette moved a few times after the questions 'Are there any spirits in the house?', 'What are your names?', 'Has anything bad happened in the house?' , 'Was there a murder?' and'Does Michael Sunders love Jo back?' He was my first crush and Kate liked him too. We never found out who of us he liked more as we moved out.

The first strange things started to happen the next day or it is better say lunch. We were eating when suddenly all of us heard strange noise in the attic. Dad went to check out but he came back covered in dust with nothing found. He said that it should have been mice or rats so we called special people to clean our house. The noises continue during the whole next week. We found no rats or mice or anything else, just some old furniture and books.

The week after that all our knives started to disappear. We found them two weeks later in Margo's bedroom. They all were stabbed into the wall. And of course, mom blamed me and Kate. We were so pissed off that we didnt talk to her for two days.

Soon our things started to disappear too. They would come back but in different places. It looked strange at first but mom and dad tried to think logical like we were too busy to pay attention to things and where we put them.

What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now