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This one is gonna be short too, i'm terribly sorry:(((((((((((

'What the fuck? Is it Austin? I hate this piece of shit! I'm gonna kill him!' threatens Emie. Zach is trying to calm her down. Hero's hands rest on my shoulders and rub them from time to time but i am still shivering.

'We need to wait,' says Mercy.

'Why?' asks Stassie in panick.

'Cuz we dont want them to think that they managed to scare us,' she explains and turns to me. I see some thoughts in her mind. 'We need to ask the board.'

Emie and Stassie burst into laughing.

'What? Are you out of your mind?' Emie asks still having problems with how to stop her hysterical laugh.

'No, stupid. Let's go to Josephine's house and ask quickly,' Mercy says strictly and girls stop laughing immediately.

'But it is a game for kids, you know?' asks Emie cautiously.

'Jo said it moved last time she and her sisters used it,' insists Mercy. I nod and swallow hard. 'So let's go. We need to find out what is going on. Even if the ghosts are going to tell us this.'

So we head to my house. Mom and dad and Margo are home. Mom doestn make a scene as i'm not wiht juat one guy – i have a few friends with me not only my boyfriend. And she doesnt ask any questions either. We go to the attic and close ourselves there, for the appropriate atmosphere as Mercy called it. We sit in a circle with our hands on the planchette. Hero insists on sitting next to me so as he could protect me at any time.

'And how will we know that someone isnt fucking with us?' asks Emie.

'I dont think that someone will do that,' answers Mercy and gives Hero a strange look full of warning. Doesnt she trust him? But before we get started Emie's head start to spin from side to side.she says she heard something. We all listen but we hear nothing and then i se something black. A black fiĝure was standing in the corner of the attic right opposite us. When my eyes grew wide it started to move. Not a move but slip, slip towards me. My friends were shouting to me and Hero was shaking my whole body but my eyes were kept on the figure. It was slipping closer and closer and then it was so close that i felt its deadly breath. When i felt it, the figure almost ran though me and i wasnt with my friends any more. I was somewhere else. I recognise the house. As i am still in the house and i am in my house. But i am not in the attic anymore. I stand on my feet and start to walk towards the door. Everything looks different. When i touch the doorknob the door flies shut and a girl with blonde wavy hair runs through me and some guy follows her. Why am i here? And what is this holusination about? But i dont look away fully as something about the guy catches my attention. I use my invisibility to have a better look of the guy. He is blonde and he is very tall but when i look at his face, i gasp. I recognise Austin in the boy. The image vanishes and now i am out of a sunny day and in some dark surroundings. I m still in my house but now it is dark and full of candles. I see people in black hoods. I walk closer to them and walk a bit around. I dont see their faces but i see that the figures form a circle and there is a star in the center, like a huge star and some altar and there is a person in whole white is lying on the alter and i recognise this blonde girl from the previous vision in the white-dressed person. Then i see Austin come up to her and i scream and here my image stops. I am back to my friends. I am lying in Hero's arms and the rest are above me.

'jo, are you okay?' 'Jo, can you hear us?' is everything that i hear. The moment when i realise what happened i get on my feet with Hero's help and head to the door.

'Where're you going, Jo?' asks Emie in surprise and misunderstanding.

'Com'on, we need to finish this game. I saw something that i need to tell you,' i answer and everyone fallows me out. We head to my room which i realise looks like a mess. But i dont give a damn, actually. When my friends are all accomodated i stand in front of them and tell everything that i have just seen.

'we need to call the police!' insists Emie by the end of my story.

'No, we dont,' says Mercy strictly and pulls out her cell.' We can sort everything out ourselves.'

'And how?' asks Stassie and her eyebrow raises.

'You'll see,' says Mercy with a smirk and makes a call.

She calls Aiden. She aranges a meeting with him and we all go there. She suggests a place that i dont know. They call it old garages and it is when we arrive i see lots of old abondoned garages.

'And if he wont come?' asks Emie. She is called and Zach has given his jacket to her but it didnt help much as she is still cold.

'He will,' says Mercy and i can alnost see an evil aura around her. Mercy was right as we see Aiden coming closer in a minute after our arrival.

'Oh, is there some party i didnt hear of?' he asks wiht a smirk but when he sees that no one smiles back it fades away. 'So why did you call?' he asks seriously. But Mercy doesnt answer she comes up to him and hits his head with something hard and heavy. Emie, Stassie and I leave out a gasp.

'Jeez, Mercy, are you crazy?!' shouts Stassie at her.

'It was necessary,' says Mercy calmly. 'We need to answers and this is the only way he will gives them to us. While girls,me including, are still covering our mouthes from shock, guys nod and help Mercy to tie her ex. Out of the blue she has ropes in her hands.

He doesnt come round as fast as movies show that. We have to sit and wait for almost an hour.

'And if he doesnt come round?' asks Stassie.

'He will,' answers Mercy with evil flames in her eyes.

'Why are so sure today?!' asks Stassie.

Mercy just shrugs and right at the momnet we notice Aiden move his tied hands and then he eyes slowly open.

'What the fuck?!' he asks as he notices his new position. 'Untie me!' he shouts then he notices Hero, 'So you're with them?!'

'I dont choose sides, Aiden. I just dont wanna my favourite people to be heart,' Hero answers. Aiden roars and starts to make tries to untie his hands but guys seem to be very professional in this thing, like they tie people everyday.

'So we need answers,' says Mercy and stands on her feet. Others do the same. 'Tell us about Austin. How long have you been his puppet? And what did you want to do to me? Do you know that Austin is some creep old man who managed not to grow old?'

'Shit, Mercy, you're insane,' exclaims Aiden and laughs. We are to wait but Zach leans and kicks Aiden's leg very hard.

'i wont tell you anything,' he grits.' I dont talk about my friends with pieces of shit.' He gives Hero this look saying that he is not like him, Hero betrayed them but Aiden wont be like him.

'just do whatever you think is important to him,'Hero snaps and as he says he uncrosses his arms, turns around and makes a few steps towards his car. I dont wanna watch what Mercy is gonna do to her ex and follow Hero.

'You didnt betray them,' i try to comfort him as i folow his fast steps. 'You did it to...'

'Jo, not now, please,' he says in a tired tone. He steps and turns to me. He looks really tired. It is very dark outside. I dont know what time it is now but i asume it's pretty late.

'It's just wrong. You know. This whole Mercy's plan,' he adds, massaging his nose bridge.

'Then why didnt you stop them?' i ask. 'she is your sister. She would listen to you.'

'I wouldnt be so sure.'

And as he finishes his sentence and we dont hear Aiden's cursing anymore we see flashing lights from a car. It stops right in front of me and Hero and we have to cover our eyes to escape such a bright light. And then the door opens and we see a red-haired girl running towards us.

'What the fuck are you doing, Hero?' we hear her shout and when she runs out of the lights we see Abbey right in front of us. 'What did you do to him?' she shouts and runs towards her brother. I turn my head and see that Aiden is motionless and he seems like has been hit hard by someone again. 

What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now