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I'm sorry, guys, but i had to delete some scenes from this chapter

I wake up from thunder. It is so loud that i cant even fall asleep again. I look around in the dark trying to remember where i am. My new room. I notice curtains moving and i recall not closing the window for the night. I stand up and come to my window.i dont shut it immediately. I see the light in my neighbour's room. Some music is playing there. I see two silhouttes there. I look at them for a few more minutes and i distinguish that one of them belongs to a female. So my sister will have to wait a bit as Hero seems to have to gf. They dont do anything wrong, just sit on his bed, fully closed. I shut the window down and turn my back to the view of them and suddenly i see a shadow in the opposite corner. I stand still.

'Kate? That's not funny! Go away to your room!' i know it is my older sis. Sometimes she liles to make jokes of our mutual fear. It helps to stay sane.

But the figure didnt move.

'Kate?' i say and take a step forward. The figure moves forward too. It is slipping,almost flying. My body gets so called.

'Kate?' i ask once more and the figure doesnt stop for a second. It slides and slides and when it so so close that the sheet on it moves from my breath, the same sheet starts to move up. And suddenly i see a nasty old face, grey skeleton and thin grey skin and huge red eyes.i scream and suddenly everything disapears and someone turns on the light. I see my parents in the doorway. Mom and dad run to me to hug me and comfort.

'Honey, what happened?' my mom asks.

'I... i... someone's been in my room. Someone... a demon... ghost' i answer and i feel shaky. It is so called inside.

'Oh, here you are, the drama queen,' i hear Kate and see her in her pyjamas standing in my doorway. 'Can you let me sleep, uh?' and she goes away.

'How did it look like?' my dad asks.

'Grey skin, big red eyes,' i start but mom presses me to her hugging.

'Oh, honey, that was just a nightmare. Let's go to bed!' and she helps me to get under my quilt.

'Mom, i saw someone,' i insist. I watch my dad stand near the window. I see this disgusted look on his face. He must have seen Hero in the opposite window. Dad closes the curtains and he and mom give me kisses on my cheeks and they leave my room. I cant go back to sleep. I slowly get up to turn on the light again and come to the window again. Yep, they are still their and i am almost envious. Guys dont avoid me. They find me atteractive but i just never agree to go out with them. The problem is that i always feel awkwad among males. Like we are from different universes. I just cant be friends with them! I look at my neighbour and his gf for a few seconds and then decide to do some more unpacking. I wont fall asleep again anyway. Did i really imagine everything? Was it just a dream? It wasnt Kate or someone else... Great, i'm becoming my mom.

After i'm done i find my eyes really heavy and finally manage to fall asleep. I wake up to the same sound of the rain. Great, it is still raining. When i go down to the kitchen i see mom, dad and my sister Margo.they greet me good morning and when i go and grab some flakes my mom comes up to me.

'Do you wanna talk about last night?' she whispers.

'No, i'm good,' i say shaking my head. I've almost forgotten about last night. What was that? Did i imagine or was it something real? My nods and goes back to the table. In a few seconds weall here my sister's heavy footsteps.

'Morning, everyone,' she says still yawning and rubbing her eyes. I take my bowl and sit next to Margo. Shw smiles and shows me some new pics of kittens. She loves kittens. We all do, weeven had one but it died five years ago, you can easily guees when. The loss was too terrible so we decided not to have any pets.

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