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Jo's pov

Present days

Saturday and Halloween. It feels like the devil is playing his stupid games with us. Mercy told me about a party at school.and we head there first then we will find some other private party. I realise that my Harley Queen costume is just not for me. I force mom to drive to the shop and buy me a new costume. Hero told me about his Dracula costume so i choose something gothic too.

'So what exactly do you want?' mom inquires as i am walking between the raws. The problem is that i cant find it myself. I look through and i dont know if i want one of them because i dont have this dream costume in my head, liķe a pattern or model. It is pretty obvious as mom has asked me.

'I dont know,' i say in a tired tone hanging back one of the costumes which i picked for  a better view. My feet take me to the next raw. 'I want something matching. Hero is gonna be Dracula and i want something like his bride or else.'

'Oh, i see,' says mom but as i listen to her tone she doesnt really understand my problem. I dont say that she is too old to get it,no,she is quiet young but she doesnt see any meaningness in such things because she is a therapist. She just doesnt understand fun. Or she had understood it before we faced what we faced.

'Then what about some vampire costume too?' mom asks.

(I hope u dont mind becausw Josephine really looks like a vamp with her smokey eyes)

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(I hope u dont mind becausw Josephine really looks like a vamp with her smokey eyes)

'That would be just fine,' i say.

'Com'n,' enthusiastically says my mom. She grabs me by my wrist and forces me to follow. She grabs some costumes on her way with her free hand.

As the celebrations are to be in the evening the costume i picked up didnt cost much. They organized sales for those poor souls who didnt manage to buy a costume beforehand.

We decided to go together. I asked Emie and Stassie to do my make-up and hair. This little chattering and their constant compliments make me feel less miserable. I still have my cast on my arm and i dont feel fabiolous at all. When i stop by the mirror to examine my reflection in the mirror,i realise that i'd better dress up as a mummy. Of course my friends try to persuade me that i am wrong.

The party at school starts at eight for all the high-schoolers. Kids from middle school and primary school had their party started much earlier. As we get off the cars we see lots of students entering the school building. I am surprised as i thought that not so many people would come.

We walk through creepy dark corridors, decorated with cobwebs, spiders, giant coackroaches, monsters. We meet other students laughing and screaming out of fear. We are doing the same but i dont scream or laugh.they are not real things, people in here havent seen a real ghost or demon like i have. They just dont understand how stupid this all looks. Finally we step up into our destination -wholly decorated gym. There are tables full of drinks and snacks which remind parts of dead bodies,of course. We stop by one of these tables. Hero suggests to have a drink before having actual fun. Emie and Stassie inform us about their secrest flask with alcohol. Emie suggest me to take a sip from it but i say no. I dont wanna get drunk again. The last time gave me this awful cast on my arm. Girls and Zach drink and then run to the improvised dancefloor. They disappear in the crowd almost immediately. I stay by the table waiting for Hero to bring me a cup of punch too.

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