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As yesterday was crazy i had to do my homework at night. Hero fell asleep almost immediately the moment we entered his room and i forced him to take a quick shower just to relax a bit. I finally got my backpack with all the tasks i had to do only when we got back home. I didnt call my parents to inform them about Hero's case and where i was going to spend the night but i think they got it themselves when they saw the car in front of the windows of the first floor. Or maybe they didnt but i didnt give a damn about my parents when i was finishing my homework. Tomorrow or it is better say today i have Biology and i hope the teacher has done something about Molly. I recall my decision to go to the administration and beg them to change my timetable. Maybe it wasnt a bad idea after all. Well, that is what i am thinking of now as i am lying next to Hero who is deep in his sleep. His breathing is a bit loud but he doesnt snore what is a pleasant bonus.

I force myself to close my eyes because i have already lost a desire to sleep when suddenly i hear a message come to my cell.i grab it open the text.

'Ghosts say u r the next,' it says. Shit! Who is that?

'Who is that?' i text back but i never get an answer as my phone dies. Great! I get and try to search a reacharger in Hero's room but it is useless as i cant even turn on small light. I think about going to Mercy and ask her but when i get to her she is fast asleep too. This is just great! And i dont have a power bank with me in my backpack. I take Hero's cell. It needs a fingerprint and a password. Shit! As i go back to bed i hope we wont sleep over.

My eyes seem so heavy but i forse myself to open them. It is someone's voice that wakes me up. I open my eyes and look around. I remember going to bed in Hero's room but who is this female voice?! And then i find my disturber. It is Mercy.

'Jo,wake up!' she whispers.' Are you going to school today?'

I mumble yes and she seems to relax.

'Great,' she whispers back.' Mom is making breakfast. Get up and get ready and wake Hero up.'

I open my eyes to their full wideness and look at a Hero's body next to me.

'Hero, wake up,' i say in a husky voice and push my boyfriend in his side.

'What?' he murmurs.

'We'll be late to school. Get up.' He murmurs someting incomprehensible in response.

I get up, find my jeans and pull them on. I have to go to school in the same clothes. I hope no one will notice.

Hero moans and covers his head with a pillow. I use this moment to change fully.

When we go down to the kitchen a sweet smell of pancakes and jelly finds our nostrils and gets inside. Hero moans from pleasure of this aroma. I laugh and punch him slightly in his stomach. Hero pretends to be hurt. We join his family at the table. While having breakfast Hero's parents dont act like snobs they encourage us to be kids we are. After quick washing our faces and brushing our teeth -Hero had a spare toothbrush in the bathroom, luckily – we have our backpecks packed and our bodies fully dressed. When Hero opens the door of his car for me galantely i dont get in at first. From the corner of my eyes i spot my sister trying to open her car. I remember having her keys.

'Wait for a sec,' i inform Hero and run to my sister. 'Hi.' I feel a bit awkward talking to her . she spots me too but doesnt look at me. Her eyes are focused on the ground.

'I have your keys,' i say and handle her the bunch of keys. She takes them without thanking and opens the door of her car. Well, i guess she doesnt wanna talk today. I turn on my heels and start to walk away but my sister's voice stops me.

'just be careful, okay? He is not what you're thinking of him,' she says. My brows furrow. Something deep in my mind knows what she means by her words but i just turn away and go to Hero. She was too much of a bitch yesterday.

What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now