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Mercy locks the front door but Zach reminds her about the back door and she runs to the kitchen. Emie continues to scream.

'What if they are already in here?' asks Stassie and sits on her knees.

'I dont think so,' says Zach and grabs his head.

'Why the hell are yoy screaming?' we hear a familiar deep voice and look up to see Hero going downstairs to us.

'i thought you were with your friends,' spits Mercy running up to us.

'Yeah, i was,came home through the back door few minutes ago,' he looks at me and i blush recalling us in my room. 'So why is she screaming? I'm trying to study there,' he points at Emie who is alredy standing on both of her feet.

'Someone wrote this on our door,' says Mercy and forces him to follow her to the door. Hero reads slowly and looks at us. His fingers are so close to my hand that he touches me slightly.

'I'll look outside,' he says and unlocking the door walks out. We stay on our places waiting for Hero to come back. He is back in a minute and tells us that everything is clear.

'Are you alright?' he whispers to me and i nod. I hope no one saw this.

'Jo says that she had the same writing on her back door,' says Mercy and i hate her for this as Hero looks at me in fury. I bite my bottom lip.

'When?' he demands.

'Not so long ago,' i mumble. 'We were going to check it and then someone rang on your door and this shit started,' i explain.

'Did you see them?' Hero demands.

'No, when i opened the door no one was there and soon Mercy came,' i lie. Hero knows it is a lie and i'm glad he didnt say a word about us being together not so long ago. He is looking at me for a few moments and his eyes and the whole face is so loving and kind but out of a sudden it changes and i see only angry mask. He walks away without saying anything.

'So what did you wanna show us?' i ask Emie trying to change the topic and our mood as fast as possible .

'Yeah, sure,' mumbles Emie and sits back in the sofa.she opens her laptop and we all gather around her. Emie presses some keys but her laptop seems to have no reaction.

'What the heck?! It has just been working!' shouts Emie. She can be really loud sometimes.

'Maybe it needs charging?' asks Zach a bit shyly. Emie turns her eyes at him and i get why his tone was shy. She is angry. Her fingers hit the keys and the main bottom a few more times and then she takes out a recharger but to her own horror laptop doesnt react.

'Fuck! It is broken!' shouts Emie and the next second she bursts into crying. I feel vibration in the back pocket of my jeans. While everyone is trying to comfort Emie, i take my chance to read a new massage i see on the screen. I open it and i cant hide my inside shining. I'm pretty sure i'm standing with a smile from the left ear to the right one. It is a text-message from Hero.

'Bonfire. Me and u, tomorrow evening,' it says.

I smile and text yes. My mood has improved so i come back to my friends with an idea.

'Do you remeber the link?' i ask.

'Yeah, yeah, yeah,' others catch my idea too.

Emie looks up at us but then she bursts even into more crying.

'Noo,' she says.

While Stassie and Zach are comforting her, i come up to Mercy who is patting Emie's head.

What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now