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And he did tell. Austin told everyone that we are dating now. Every morning he meets me in the corridors to greet. I smile and watch him go. Once it was in front of Hero. He closed his locker very loudly and walked away shaking his head in like disbelief or annoyance. I wish i could talk to him but now it is too late.

As a gf i have to wait for Austin after his training. I just sit in tribunes and watch him playing. I like watching the game but i dont like footballers. Today i have to wait for Austin to take me home. I dont wanna go in a school bus as i heard some girls whispering. When i turned my head to their quiet voices they pulled away from each other and looked in different directions. I dont care about the rumors but my problem is that i will defenetely try to make them stop.

I wasnt even watching the training, i was just playing games on my phone and looked at my bf play just to check that the game was still going. Out of a sudden i saw some shadows sitting next to me. I turn my head and see two wide-smiling faces. Two blondes probably dyed and maybe a year older than me.

'Hi, Josephine,' they almost sing in unison.

'Hi,' i say and smile politely. I dont even know them and they already know my name. Well, Austin is quite a popular guy so they might be his fans.

'So you're dating Austin Butler?' asks the nearest one.

'Maybe,' i shrug. I dont even know myself what we are now. Even though every day, he takes me home after school and once we went out to the movies, I dont feel like he is my bf, everything just happened so fast. I didnt even have time to think it over.

The nearest blonde leans closer to me and starts to whisper 'Austin doesnt like you. You know he is with you just to make Abbey jealous. As long as he will get tired, you will be forgotten.'

Her words get straight to my heart and brain. Abbey's face comes to my mind. They are right she is gorgeous and guys have fights over her. Guys have always called me pretty and i know i am attractive enough but i will never be like her. Can they be right? Is he playing with me?

'So just stay away from him,' she whispers and smiles. Fuck, i wanna punch her beautiful maked-up face.

'You're just jealous,' i spit.

'Excuse me?'

'You heard me. You are his fans and ypu dont like the fact that he went after some new girl. When we break up, you can have him.' I smile politely as i see their jaws drop. Then they stand up and run away. Their faces say that i won but i know that i have to talk to Austin later. They bred some distrust in my mind.

When i look at the field i see players going back to the building. I dont wanna miss a ride with Austin. I know where his car is parked. I go there and wait for him.

Austin hits me in ten minutes.

'I missed you,' he says. I smile and we get into his car. We go in silence for a coupleof minutes.

'Is anything wrong? You look tensed,' he asks.

Now or never.

'are you using me to make Abbey jealous?'

'What?' he is caught of guard. 'No, i like you and that's why i am with you.'

'Good,' i dont believe him but i just dont wanna cause any drama.

'What got into you?' he is annoyed now.

And i tell Austin about these fan girls. He says he knows them and,yes, they are his fans. And quite annoying ones.

'So what are your plans for tonight?or you're so upset with these stupid girls?'asks Austin.

'Mercy and i are having a girls' night at her house,' i shrug.

What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now