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My eyelids are so heavy but i force myself to open them. When i do i dont realise where i am. The walls are white and i hear some bipping, this bed feels so rough and uncomfy. I need to get up.i try to roll when someone's strong hands catch and i realkse that inwas about to fall.

'Someone, please! She came round!' i hear someone shout. This voice is familiar. Male and deep.

'I'm so sorry, but you're gonna be alright, i promise,' he starts to comfort me. My eyes are focused on his tattooed arms and hands when they move a bit up to the face i see Hero.

'Hero?' my voice is rough and raspy and husky. I feel like i havent drunk water for years.

'Yes, babe! Doctor! Nurse!' he calls again and i hear some noises. People crowd around me and Hero goes back. He has to let go off my hand and i feel so empty and cold.

'Hero, dont,' i beg.

'Dont worry.i will be with you,' he promises and then they press some mask against me and my eyelids fall. ...

I feel so thirsty that i have to open my eyes.

'Water,' i say without realisation that i am actually saying that. I open my eyes and look around. I am in a big white room. Different medical devices are around me. I raise a bit on my elbows and feel huge pain in my whole body so i fall on my back again. But this quick look around helps me to realise that i am in a hospital room. I try to remember how i got here. The last thing that i remember is me in Hero's car. Oh, shit! I got so drunk that night! I was forcing him to talk to me and then we crushed. I raise on my elbows again as i hear someone's quiet snores. It is Hero. He is sitting in an armchair covered with a blanket. Well, sitting isnt an appropriate word. It is better say he is sleeping in the armchair. He doesnt seem hurt much but i do see some scars on his forehead and hands. How long have i been here and what day it is today? My eyelids seem so heavy that i let myself to close them again. Sleep finds its way to me.

The next time i open my eyes it is pretty dark in the room. I realise that it is night but i need to leave my bed as i need to use the bathroom. I try to get up quietly but my sore body just cant be quiet and prodice so much noise. When i am finally standing on my both feet i see Hero still sleeping in the armchair. The blacnlet feel on the floor so i pick it up and cover him again. I cantsay that it was fast i am moving like a turtle or someone in a very slow mow.

Using walls for steadiness i walk out of my word. The corridor is dark too and very long. I dont even know if it is the window that i see at the end. I take step by step, very slow and painful. I didnt see myself in the mirror,i wonder how badly i am hurt. Luckily the bathroom is on my floor and it is right in the middle. I open the door slowly and the room gets lightened. The boothes are all empty and clean. Not like the last restroom i was using. When i try to do what i came here for i realise that i have some problems with my left arm. It is too hard to move my neck but i look down. She i have a hand cast. How did i manage to break my arm?! Shit. Fuck, i can wash only one hand now. I look at myself in the mirror and i also take a look at my whole body. I have multiple bruises and scars. Shit! I hate myself. I hope Hero didnt break anything. I move slowly to the door and open. The restroom becomes dark immediately. Being under the light for a few seconds turned me into a blind one. I need another few seconds to get acquinted to darkness around me. It is so empty and quiet in here. I dont feel comfy in the dark so i look around but the moment i do this i curse. Someone is standing in the other end of the corridor. Is it a nurse?

 Is it a nurse?

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What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now