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I hope u wont get scared in this chapter

I' m in Kate's room. I have her cell and i dont know if i should answer it or not.

I hear fast footsteps in the corridor. They are so loud that they remind me in what a nightmare i am. Suddenly the door shuts open and i see dad with a gun in his hand. When he sees me he puts it away and runs up to me.

'Is it her cell?' he asks frightened. I nod.

'They didnt take it. Who is calling her?'

I gaze at the screen one more time and this name hurts me so bad but i dont wanna show dad. I need to find the answers myself. I press reset the call and show dad a lightened screen. He grabs the cell from my hands.

'It is locked. Do you know her password?'

I shake my head.

'Go back to your room. It is late and we are all tired.'

I nod and leave.

But my dad is wrong. I cant sleep now after what has just happened. Why was Hero calling my sister? I grab my own cell after i am back to my room and text him a message. I ask why he was calling Kate and press send. I dont expect for the answer and i dont get it. He doesnt respond. I am waiting for an hour for his anwers but my cell is silent. I go online and find Mercy among friends online. To my surprise she isnt sleeping too. I text her.

Me: r u sleeping?

Mercy answers in a minute.

Mercy: no. R u alright?

Me: i dont know how 2 tell u about it.

Mercy: what happened? Did u get any news?

Mercy:Just drop it. Im ready

Me: its ur brother...

Mercy: what about him???

Me: he has just been calling Kate...

Mercy doesnt respond. She is online and she read my text. Maybe she needs some explanations.

Me: i heard her cell in her room. When i got there and took it i saw Hero's name on the screen.

And again no responds. She reads and leaves it. I get offline and just deal her number but Mercy doesnt take her phone. What the hell is going on? I go to the window. I see no light in Hero's room. Is he at home? Is he anywhere else?

Suddenly i get a text. It is from Mercy i open and read it.

Mercy: he is not in his room.

Fuck! What the hell is happening? Is he drinking with his friends?! I go offline again and this time i deal my boyfriend's number. He doesnt wanna talk too. In a few calls i go straight to his voicemail. But something about it makes me suspicious.

The voicemail text: Hi, this is Hero.

A voice from the background:Oh,this is so dull!

Hero's voice: but you still can leave your message and then i will call you back.

The voice in the tape. It is... it is my sister's voice. The voice in the background! What the hell?! But i still leave my message after the sign

'Call me! What the fuck is happening?!'

I dial out and curse under my nose. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!!! What the hell?! I throw my cell onto the bed and start to move back and forth hysterically. Creepy thoughts come to my mind. Is he a part of this kidnapping?! He was so calm here with me... But it cant be! I dont believe my own my mind.

What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now