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sorry for spoiling but i decided to reveal a small part of Hero's secret. I hope u wont find it too creepy and me a psycho but i guess most of u think i'm a psyho but whatever i love my story and i hope u like it too.

The weather isnt the most sunny today. It is raining cats and dogs to be honest. We dont go far away form the entrence just a bit away so as no one gave us strange or curious looks. And we are perfectly covered by the roof so no drops fall on our heads.

'Who did this too you?' i ask and my first intention is to touch his every bruise, what i do. Hero closes his eyes with pleasure for a second just to enjoy my touch, i guess but then gently takes my wrist and holds it. I am glad he didnt let go. It means we are not over yet.

'They didnt want me to tell you,' he says with a raspy voice. It seems like he spent a rough night yesterday. His voice seems to be raspy from ahouts not because it is morning.

'Who are they?' i ask. I expect him to tell me that it is none of my business and to fuck off as we are breaking up because of numerous reasons but instead his eyes go up but he looks above me. I trun my head and see Austin and his gang walking in. He smirks at us when he spots us and i realise that by 'they' Hero meant Austin. Among this gang i see some face that i didnt expect to see. Kate is running next to Austin. Her arm is wrapped aroun his. She spots me too and smirks. So she decided to go after the guy.

'Let's go a bit away from here,' Hero says causing me to break my eyes with these people. He gently pulls me by my wrist to follow him. We walk around the building and then he opens some door for me to come in. When i am inside i realise that we are in the part of the school that no one uses anymore. Hero walks past me and nods to follow him. We enter some dusty classroom. It cant be lightened so we sit in the dark caused by the heavy rain.

'Was it Austin?' i ask as asoon as i sit at one of the dusty desks and Hero stands in front of me leaning on the desk ahead of me.

Hero nods.

'why doesnt he want me to know'

'Cause he is afraid of you. That you will tell the cops about us,what we do when the night falls.'

'And what do you do?'

Hero sighs loudly and takes a sit.

'You will run away from me screaming and calling me a psycho or worse.'

'Hero, i need to know,' i insist. Hero sighs again.

'Remember when you caught us in that house?'

I nod.

'I told you we were just partying.'

I nod again.

'So we werent.'

I gasp. Maybe a bit too loud as Hero gives me a grumpy stare which say see i warned you.

'we were really doing what you thought we were doing.'

'And how long have you been playing with the devel?'

'Since i moved here. Austin and i became friends immediately. Sometimes we fought over Abbey but the next moment we might be laughing at our stupidity as her brother would tell us that she was seeing someone else while we were fighting over her. Austin introduced me to his gang soon afterwards too. They were kinda always in search. Like every week they were up to something new, drugs,alcohol, sometimes we just got drunk and fought random people. Then like after a year and a half Austin came up with this crazy idea to try some paganic worship. We were drunk one night and we decided to that. During this ritual a girl died. We promised to keep this in secret. We formed a group. We pretended not to talk to each other in school, each of us had their own friends but we never introduced them to others. Some of us kinda liked this shit and we started to gather really often. Sometimes we brought fresh girls. Austin was crazy with bringing to life some demon, i still dont remember its name. Austin made us bring a new girl at every our next meeting.'

What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now