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 I dont interact with Hero for the next few days. I dontneven see him but i know he hangs out with Kate a lot. So they must be a thing. I heard them at night or it wasnt him but someone new.... I just trust my intuition. During Biology class i was set with a blonde girl named Molly. She is a bitch and very stupid. Once i caught her texting Hero so i guess she is one of his company. I told my new friends about this dump blonde and Stassie told me that Molly and Hero were kind of friends with benefits. I guess they arent now as he has my sister. I wonder how Kate reacts to all those rumours about her new date. I guess she doesnt care and stays next to him.

I havent seen him for a while since the night i saw him watching me. Well, i dont think he was watching, he was just scared as he heard me screaming and wanted to check out and that's all but i still hope. I am a romantic, i must admit and i love drama but i never cause dramas.

I have nightmares now every night. Once i have even dreamt about the past. Kate is right i and becoming our mom. I feel psyho. I wake up screaming everynight and mom and dad run to wake me up. They dont bother to ask about my fears and the reasons of my nightmares but i think mom is getting worried again.

People have forgotten about the fight between Austin and Hero. Austin says hi from time to time in the corridors but i havent seen the girl they had a fight over yet. I start to doubt if she is a student at our school.

A period i spent sitting right side by side with Molly seems to last forever. She doesnt listen to the teatcher and asks me to repeat his words. I 'm ready to kill her by the end of the lesson. I fall her out and meet Stassie and Emie. They found out that our classrooms are near so we can go to the cafeteria together. We also have lunch break at the same time whereas Mercy's variates.

We sit in the school cafetaria. Maths test is after the lunch break and it sucks. I have been preparing all night but i think Maths and solving problems isnt my best quality. I like sums more. They seem much more easier for me. And who gives test after the first month of studies? My friends are talking about something but i dont listen to them. Stassie is in the same Maths class as i am but she never worries about her marks. Suddenly my whole attention is caught but the familiar gang walking in. It's Hero and his cool friends. I dont see Kate with them but unfortunately our table is oposite their. It's too hot in here. They sit and i meet Hero's eyes immediately. He leans to the wall and the blond girl named Molly sits next to him putting her head on his shoulder. My sister and Hero have been very close recently. I heard them a couple of times in our house, and i saw her riding on the top of him in her car. I wonder if Kate knows about Molly and Hero. Molly spots my eyes too. She smiles and stands up. Fuck she is walking to me.

'Hey, girls,' she says in her fake high voice. She puts her hand on our table and leans a bit so we can easily see her boobs. I look away as i'm afraid i might vomit.

'Hey,' says my friends.

'So what are you doing?' asks Molly.

'Eatting, you idiot,' says Stassie.

'So where is your sister, queen Jo?' asks Molly and leans closer to me. I feel her breath on my cheek and i can tell her breath smells.

'Dunno,' i answer.

'Well, i saw you staring at Hero,' she contionues. Shit. 'Well, he is mine and tell your sister. I dont like her hanging out with him.'

'You tell her,' i saw and bite on my fries.

'Fuck off, Molly. Go find someone else,' says Emie. Molly rolls her eyes but leaves us. I watch her go back to Hero and i spot him looking at me. When Molly sits next to him, she presses her lips towards Hero's shpulder. I wanna throw up.

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