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Sorry for scarying u in the previous chapter. Just a friendly remainder This story is mystic so we need some mystery and horror from time to time. Dont worry there is still space for drama and relationships:)

Someone called the police and they were running about the house like mad coakroaches. Hero joined me soon when i was standing on the porch screaming and crying aloud. He comforted me and took away but now he has disappeared telling me that he needed to make a call. i'm sitting in my living-room with Margo by my side. Dad is comforting mom. She cant help her hysteria. Mercy soon joins me. She sits by my side and rubs my shoulders. Hero is still talking to someone on the phone. Who is it? When he saw this blood he wasnt scared. He looked more like surprised and shoked and maybe a bit mad. Like a boss who is mad at his employees. I would feel much better with him by my side.

I look at my mom. Tear drops look like waterfalls on her cheeks. She cant stop crying and i wanna comfort her but i have to come round myself first. I look at dad. He is standing by her side. His hands are constantly rubbing her shoulders to calm her. But it doesnt help.

While watching them talk to the policeman i see a familiar tall figure entering. It's Hero. He is back and he wraps his arms around me. I press my body to his and feel cold from the street. I dont feel like crying. I just cant. Even though Kate and i have never been close friends but she is still my sister.

My friend and boyfriend are sitting with me all the time. They dont talk and i am grateful for that. We are just watching the police moving about my house, then talking to my parents. When they finally leave dad takes mom to their bedroom.

'How are you?' asks Hero.

'i dont know,' i say honestly. People are supposed to cry when such things happen to them but no tears fall from my eyes. Mercy turns her head to me and she opens her mouth to say something but she never does as my dad appears in front of us.

'Thank you, guys for being with Josephine but now you will have to leave,' he says strictly but still gently.

'But dad?!' i protest. Is he kidding? I wont be able to sleep in this house and i am not talking about staying here.

'Dont, Josephine! I appreciate their support but they have to go back home,' he insists. Mercy stands up reluctantly and gives me a big hug.

'I'm so sorry,' she whispers. She goes to the door and waits for Hero. Now it is his turn to say goobye.

'I'm so sorry. Call me any time and i will come,' he says. I watch them go and dad sees me to my room. Its supposed to protect me but i dont think that following and watching me will do much help if those people decide to come back and take someone else.

As i close the door behind me i realise that i dont feel myself at home in my room. Everything so distant and unfamiliar. It is my room and i've spent here lots of nights so far but it is too darkand scary. I force myswlf to sĺeep but i dont enjoy it long. I cant sleep with no one in the next room. It feels really creepy. I mean this whole silence.

I wake up in the middle of the night and i realise that i cant sleep no more. I feel really cold in my room. I remember that i havent closed the window. I get up to close it. I cant help but look out and see no light in Hero's room. Good, he is asleep. I reach my cell for a second but then change my mind. I wanna wake him up for a stupid reason. I look at the time. It is 3 a.m. the police left us at midnight. Well, i didnt sleep long. I wonder how my parents are doing. Is mom alright? I walk out of my room into the corridor. From the place i am standing i can see that there is light downstairs. I walk on my tiptoes to the stairs and look out from the corner. I dont wanna see any strangers there. But no strangers. I see only my dad. He is sitting on the sofa which is now turned to the hall and moved a bit closer to the door. I see a gun by his right side. Where did the fuck he get a gun?! There is also his laptop right in front of him. He is watching the cameras. He is waiting for those people to come back. I dont know how but i feel like they wont come here anymore. I walk back on my tiptoes to my room. But i dont step any forward than my doorway. I hear music on my floor. This music is familiar. Is it..? Is it Kate's phone?

I stay still for a while listening to the ringtone. Yeah, it is her cell. Defenetely. I almost run to her room and open the door wide. I see lots of the police tape. I walk under and above it to the light. It comes from her desk. It is strange that the cell is still in the room. How could the abductors be so stupid? And how couldnt the police notice it?

The music stops for a second. I dont know if i can unblock Kate's cell. I have tried once but she used to have passwords everywhere. I dont know if this cell will do me any help when i cant see who was calling. I stay for a while and look around. Honestly,i dont see any traces of fight. It seems like she has been taken on her own will. I see her earphones on her bed, her books are on the desk. She had been reading 'To kill a mockingjay' before she was kidnapped. She still has a mess in her closet. I can see some clothes falling out of it. I can tell dad about the cell in the morning. There is no reason for me to touch it. Or maybe.. If this someone could call again... And as the heavens heard my wish i hear the familiar ringtone. I run to the table and grab the cell but it almost falls out of my hands as i look at the screen and see who is calling...

I gasp and cover my mouth. My eyes go wide.

The screen shows me one name of the caller...

It is Hero.

What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now