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The next time i open my eyes i hear an alarm clock ringing. Shit, i still have to go to school in the morning. Mercy walks with me to the door and i go back home to get ready. Mercy promised to see me at school and try to find a way to help me. I hope she is not going to inform school therapist. I'm not sure if they dont find me crazy. I have just told them about my nightmares and visions and i'm not sure in their true kindness.

As i am making myself breakfast Kate is making jokes on me disappearing last night. I just roll my eyes and answer her. She is in a mood to mock and tease me. I'm not in a mood to let her win this unknown game.

I cant help yawning and i feel ao tired. Kate takes me to school. She is too kind today. All the way to shool she is talking about her friends and those stupid girly things. I dont listen to her, just nod when i see her eyes stare at me in the mirror.

The periods before my lunch break finish very fast so when i hear the bell for lunch i almost run out of the classrom and go very fast to the cafeteria. I take a tray with food and go to my regular table. My friends are already there. I start my walk to them but then i just stop and startle as i see my friends leaning to each other and forming a circle with their close heads. They look like gossiping. My feet start to move again but very slow. I have a bad feeling.

I come up to them and put my tray on the table. The sound seems too loud and they all lookàt me with wide deer-like eyes.

'Hey, everyone.'

'Hi,' they say one by one. I sit next to Zach and immediately feel the tension in the air. They all look strange. Zach, Emie and Stassie are avoiding to look at me.

'Is anything wrong? You look strange,' i say openning my yoghurt.

They all purse their lips.

'I've told the guys and we are all willing to help you,' saya Mercy a bit unsure.

She spits it so fast that it takes me a moment to realise what Mercy has just done.

'You told them?' i ask making pause on every word.

'Yeah, and they are willing to help. We are all friends, Jo and now you are our friend too.'

Shit, her words sound like some of a hippi. Everyone looks at me and Emie purse her lips in a smile. Her eyes dart from me to Mercy. What the hell? I look at my new friends. At everyone of them. No one looks at me back. Fuck this shit.

'Hey, guys,' i hear a familiar British accent and see Hero sitting opporite me. My eyebrows frown. What the hell?

'Did i miss anything?' Hero asks and puts a bunch of fries into his mouth.

'We have just been talking...' starts Mercy but i interupt her.

'Screw you all!' i curse and get up.' I asked you not to tell anyone but you told! You told others! It was my secret! And now look at them!' i point at Emie, Stassie and Zach.they look at their food. 'They think i'm insane! You know you can talk about it and etc. but i surely dont wanna hear that!' I turn around and walk powerfully out of the cafeteria but right in the doorway i feel someone's strong hand grabbing my arm.i stop and turn around to see who it might be.

'Jo, i'm sorry. I told her to shut up but she didnt even listen,' says Hero. I look into his eyes and i know that he doesnt lie but i dont care.

'It doesnt matter now, Hero, just drop it. Never mind. I'll be fine,' i say madly and walk away. I 'm so furious. I know Mercy tried to help but it was no good. Emie and Stassie looked at me as if was a psycho ran out of an asylium. I'm so mad that i dont notice who i bump into. I recognize a familiar football jacket and look up. My eyes meet Austin's blue eyes. Well, he is not the one i wanted to see. Actually i dont wanna see anyone.

What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now