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Sorry for keeping u waiting.

'What the hell?' Austin asks and moves a bit forward to me as i'm the closest to him but his eyes are fixed on Hero. 'Are you after every my girl?! '

'She is not your girl,' says Hero calmly.

'Oh, yeah?'now Austin is getting closer to Hero. 'since when?'

'Since that we have never been dating' i squick and Austin turns his head to me.

'I didnt ask your opinion,' he says through gritted teeth.

'And then you're wondering why girls run away from you,' says Hero behind his back causing Austin to turn around again. He gets to Hero so close that their noses are almost touching. I notice that the boys are of the same height. I can also see people stoping and gathering around us.

'So you wanna talk about it, huh, Tiffin? Wanna play a true hero, yeah?' and then he pushes Hero into his chest. But Hero doesnt think much and pushes Austin back so the last one falls on the floor. I hear someone gasp and even scream. Austin gets on his feet and is ready to his Hero but then we hear a deep authorative voice.

'So you two decided to have a fight at my school?' he asks coming closer to us. The viewers go back a bit to let the principle go. I've seen principle Jones once. Well, he seemed unkind back then. I guess he is furious now.

'So how did you two get the idea to have a fight at my school? Is it a fighting ring or what?' he asks. Hero and Austin look at the principle than back at each other. Their jaws are clenched, nostril are flattering.

'You know what? I dont care about you reason. You two just follow me to my office and then we will discuss your detention,' he turns around and walks away. Hero and Austin stay a bit longer staring at each other with looks full of hatred. Hero nods him to walk first and then follows him. The crowd step aside letting them walk then people rejoin again looking at the two boys and discussing the whole thing in a great hurry. I spot Mercy in the crowd. She is lookong at me with wide eyes. When she sees that i noticed her Mercy runs up to me.

'Hey, Jo, i'm sorry for telling others,' she begins. She is talking so fast that i can barely understand her in such a loud crowd. 'I thought that we could all think over the way to help you. I'm sorry,Jo.'

She squeezes my hand. I am listening but i am not paying attention so i just nod keeping my eyes on the two heads moving away.

' Can we talk during the lunch-break?' she begs.

'Yeah, sure,' i mumble still keeping !y eyes above her head. Without saying anything to her i turn around and walk very fast to my class. I dont listen to the teacher much, my thoughts are still aroud Hero and Austin. They seemed to be friends earlier before but they have some problems over girls. What are they talking about? Is Hero telling about me as his girlfriend? Does Austin think i'm still his girlfriend? I felt so much stronger connection between me and Hero than between me and Austin. I wonder what their detention gonna be.

When it is almost time for lunch remember about the talk with Mercy and others. I swallow hard and go to the table where others are already present. I put my tray and sit next to Zach, they stop talking and look at me.

'So, hi,' i say trying to act confident.

'Jo, you're here! We are so glad!' exclaims Mercy and i'm sure she kicked others under the table.

'Yeah, babe, listen we are really sorry,' says Emie. She seems honest. 'It seemed weird at first but then we understood how badĺy we acted towards you.'

What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now