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I hear some strange sound but i cant realise what it is. I open my eyes and try to move but it is hard task to do in the morning. This sound must be my alarm and i'm surprised that Hero doesnt hear that.

'What's this?' he asks. Well, he does hear. His head is still resting on the pillow with his arms wrapped around it.

'It' s my alarm,' i say.

'Then turn it off.'

'I cant, you're lying on me.'

I roll out off the bed and do what he said,  and my eyes notice the time. Shit, i need to get back home for breakfast. I put on my jacket and check on my hair.

'Where're you going?' Hero murmurs. I turn and see that he is still lying on his stomach.

'Home. I need to show up for breakfast.'

I come up to him and place a kiss on his cheek. I cant leave him like this. 'See ya at school,' i say.

'Yeah, wave at me in the corridor.'

'Okay,' i say and smile.

When i close the door to Hero's room i spot Mercy going to the bathroom. Fuck, i hope she didnt see me. There is no one in the downstairs and to my surprise i see no one in the kitchen in my house too. I go immediately there and pretend like i have just got up. The first member of my family i see is Kate. She is still in her dressing-gown.

'Wow,why so early?' she asks yawning.

I shrug and pour milk into the bowl with flakes. She takes a chair and sits by me.

'Halloween in two weeks, so what are your plans?' she asks.

'What? In two weeks?' wow! Fuck! Time flies fast. It cant be Halloween so soon. Her question caught me out of guard. I dont even have a costume. Her words make me check on the calender in my cell and yep, she is right, Halloween is in 2,5 weeks. Shiiit! She is so right! I need Mercy to know about some cool parties around or maybe i can spend it with Hero.

'Do you need a ride?' asks Kate biting on her banana.

'Yeah,' i mumble still unwilling to believe in the fact that time passes so fast.

In Kate's car, my sister tells me about her ideas on costumes. I dont listen much. I dont have any ideas about costumes. Maybe i wont go anywhere. I wonder if Hero will go to one of the numerous parties. Probably. He seems a party boy whereas i look like a quiet girl that likes sitting at home and reading her books. But it is true. People are used to do lots of things they regret later during parties.

When Kate parks at the parking lot, she says that she will be waiting for me after school to take me home. She is nice again and it is surprising. I mumble my answer and go to the building. My eyes are searching for Hero in the coridors. I wanna avoid him for a while as i dont wanna get everyone's attention. It is school and people will start spread rumors very fast. But i cant avoid him. I meet Hero between my second and third periods.

I stand at my locker and hide some books there. Suddenly i feel someone's strong hands on my waist and these hands force me to turn around. I do it with wide eyes opened and see Hero in front of me. He leans and gives me a small peck.

'Hi,' he says smiling. He is so close i feel like i might fall into my locker.

'What are you doing?' i hiss. I try to put his hands away but he is way too strong.

'So what?' he asks playfully. 'I dont care about there opinions as i'm planning to make you my girlfriend'. Wow! This is surprising. Smiling to myself, I still manage  to pull away gently and look at him 'Do you have any plans for Halloween?'

What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now