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Suprisingly, mom and dad didnt say anything about me and Hero sitting in my room till the morning together. I bet dad checked camaras from last night and he sure as fuck saw me helping my boyfriend to sneak in but he just decided to be quiet. I'm sure that he will tell me off later.

And again Hero drives me to school.
Mercy is focused on the cell the whole way to school. Only when we get into the parking-lot she speaks to us.

'Have you thought about your costumes to the party yet?' she asks with her eyes still one the tiny screen.

'What party?' i tense.

'Halloween party. Have you forgotten?' she sounds irritated.

'Nah, i'm not going to any party,' says Hero.

'Yeah, sure. And then i will see you at the each of them,' says Mercy and gets off.

This problem with a costume worries me. 

'Are you staying at home?' i inquire.

'Dunno, maybe,' he shrugs. 'I thought i would spend it with you,' he adds

He is a good distracter but i still need a costume anyway. I hate horrors but i still enjoy Halloween.

'But we still need costumes,' i insist.

Honestly, my day looks like a shitty romantic drama. Teachers didnt notice my yesterday's sudden disappearance, well i can thank my unwillingness to participate in every class discussion they try to force us in. But some of my subjests which i ditched yesterday are on other days too. I hope we dont have any tests or projects to do. I noticed one very improtant thing about teachers in this school – they love giving lots of homework during one week and usually start or finish it with a test or something same dreadful. I guess it is time for me to make up new friends but i'm so lazy.

I run after every class to meet him up in the corriodor and of course we eat together during the lunchbreak. We sit at my usual table with Mercy and other my friends.

'Where've you been?' asks Emie happily surprised to see mw join them again. 'We were searching for you tomorrow.'

'I felt unwell so i went home after my third period,' i lie.

'But today you're so shiny,' notices Stassie. She always speaks so haugty that sometimes i have problems in understanding if her words are some kind of sarcasm or she is pretty serious. 'You look like you were sleeping well last night.'

'Ladies, excuse us,' suddenly Hero stands up and gently forces me to join him. I put the last piece of carrot into my mouth and follow him quickly giving girls surprised looks.

'Where're we going?' i ask.

'Let's just stay out a bit before the next period starts,' he says and leads me to some unknown part of the school. We are in the corridor i have never been before. It seems abondoned. Looks like a corridor that no one uses anymore. I can spot dust and two spiders in a corner. They are making out too. Ugh, disgusting.

'where are we?' i ask trying to look around.

'We 're in the old part of the building. No one comes here nor uses it,' he says.

'How many people know about this place?'


'What happened here?' i ask. Hero takes me by the hand and shows around.

'Fire. The old laboratoty broke out. Students were saved but the equipment not. So the next principle decided to stop using classrooms in this corridor so as to prevent any fires,' Hero shrugs and i look around as we walk past empty classrooms. I can imagine panic and shock when it happened, people running around, some girls' screams and teachers saving their students. I spot some black spots on the walls, i guess these are the marks of the fire. Those black spots actually form some pattern.

What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now