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I hope you didnt get tired. Sorry for the updating has taken so long. Dont curse me for misspelling because i tried to tape for you as fast as possible.

A month later

The school is beginning tomorrow. Fuck, i hate it already. The rest ofthe summer wasnt bad. Not ghosts, no nightmares, no creepy visions. Well, maybe it was all our imagination. I hope people will be nice to me.

'So how do you wanna spend your last summer day?' mom asks.

'Sleeping,' Kate mumbles and leaves the table.

'Someone is in a bad mood,' mom notices and smiles. 'And what about you girls?'

'Me too,' Margo says.

'I wanna sit at home, mom. Sorry,' i say and look at her apologetically.

'Oh,that's okay. Dont worry. I get it. You just wanna have some good rest before a new school year.'

I purse my lips and help her with dirty dishes. We have just had lunch so we have the whole day. I decide to go to Kate's.

'Hey,' i say as i open the door,' what are you up to tonight?' i ask sitting on the edge of her bed.

'Uhmm, sorry, i have plans for tonight,' Kate says and purses her lips. She looks at her cell and shuts down the laptop. 'Sorry, i'm already have to go.'

I watch her take her purse and leave her room. Well, now i have nothing else to do. I go to my room and spend the rest of the day watching movies. Well, mom is right,tomorrow is gonna be a great day. I fall asleep quite fast but waking up the next morning wasnt the easiest thing to do. We all run about the house trying to get ready as fast as possible. Mom found a new job so she cant give us a ride. Dad doesnt have the possibility either so we have to go on a bus.

'Kate, can you ride us to school?' Margo asks.

'Okay, get in,' Kate answers. Well, it is quite strange as my sister never gives us a ride.

'So, guys, are you ready?' Margo asks from the back seat.

'Dont talk to me, Margo,' Kate mumbles.

'Someone has a hangover,' Margo states with a giggle. I smile too. Kate rolls her eyes.

We stay silent for the rest of the way. Kate parks and we all leave the car going in the different directions. I watch the way my sister walked. Well, she has already made some new friends. I walk slowly to the school bulding. Well, it is not that big as the one i was going to last year but it is still clean inside. I see lots of strange unknown people and they all look me from top. I roll my eyes and run as fast as possible to get my timetable.

'Oh, and miss Langford,- says the secretary – as you are a new student we arranged some help for you.'

Great, now i'm gonna have a nurse. I just hopw it is not a nerd. And suddenly i hear a male voice.

'Sorry, i'm late.'

I trun and see a handsome guy. He has brown hair and light blue eyes.

'It's good, you've come,' say the secretary. 'Anyway, Zach, this is Josephine Lagford, Josephine – this is Zach Effron. He is going to show you around and help you to get used to our school.'

The guy smiles and stretches out his hand with a huge brilliant smile.

'Hi,' he says.

'Hi,' i say and shake his hand.

'Are you ready to have a little tour?'

'Not so much but let's do it,' i say without any enthusiasm.

What Happens After Horrors #Wattys2019 (Herophine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now