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Thank you so much for reading my story and for the votes. It means a lot to me. I hope you will continue reading the story. Read and share with your friends. Love you all. 

The next morning the first thing that comes to my mind when i open my eyes is Hero. Fuck, i screwed everything up. I wonder if i'll see him at his bakyard. I hope he will.if i see him i will come to him and ...and...and i dont know what i'll do... and say hi.

I go downstairs to have breakfast and to my surprise i see Kate eating flakes. She doesnt look much happy. She looks through her cell. I remember last night and feel a bit awkward. We dont talk during the breakfast. Mom asks me buy do groceries and Kate suggests to take her car. Strange. She never agrees to give me the keys to her car. Margo asks me take her with me. I get ready really quick and i have to wait for my little sister. I dont wanna spend this time at home i go out to the car and as i do that i spot from the corner of my eyes some movement in our neighbours yard. I turn my head and see Hero. He spots me too because our eyes meet. He is throwing litter. I wave him but my head drops right in the middle as i notice a grumpy expression on his face. He is not happy to see me. His bad mood reminds me of Kate's. Why was she mad? I guess Heor is mad at me. And did Kate hear us? I watch him go back into his house. Shit, i gues we have to talk. I wanna be with him but he is sleeping with my sister.

Soon Margo joins me and we go shopping. I find everything from my mom's list and Margo asks me to buy her ice-cream. It's pretty warm outside so why not. When we get back home mom and dad run about the house like mad.

'Hey, what's happening? Are we moving out again?' i ask dropping the packages on the floor.

'No, honey,' mom disagrees.' We are having guests. Katherine's bofriend is coming with his family.'

And my heart pounds with the packages.

'He is not my boyfriend,' i hear Kate and then see her in front of me. She smirks and takes the prosucts feom the floor. So i have no chances with Hero.

'I come across our neighbours this morning after you left and suggested them to come as long as both our kids date,' mom explains.

Fuck, i cant even move my feet.

'Dont stand there, love. Help us, please,' i hear my mom.

'Okay,' i say but i just wanna run into my room and stay there. Well, i have this opportunity in like an hour but i stay in the living-room and turn in the tv. Kate joins me soon.

'So you are dating,' i state.

'Well, mom thinks so but we are more like have-just-met,' she says and she looks strange... like proud. 'You know, i gave him my number just for fun but he called and i'd never thought he would.'

'okay,' i mumble and switch on the channel. Suddenly we hear a door-bell and mom runs to opne the door.

Kate stands up and joins her.

'Hi, it's so good you've managed to come!' i hear my mom. I cant help and roll my eyes.

'Oh, we are happy you've invited us. We like how you managed to decorate this house,' i hear some deep female voice. Bullshit, you havent done a thing about it.

'oh, thank you, you're so sweet,' my mom says. I trun around and see this awkward situation. Mom is talking to some woman, i guess she is Hero's mom, Kate is standing by her side and smiling, dad and Margo are standing by them and blushing. Well, i'm glad i didnt join them. On the other side i see this woman, a man next to her and three youngsters behind them. Two guys and a girl. One of the guys is Hero and my heart drops again.he is talking to the girl and she chuckles. They all seem really beatiful. The second guy seems older than Hero,might be in his twenties. The girl is around of my age.

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